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大黄为蓼科多处生草本植物的根状茎 ,味苦 ,气香 ,其性寒凉 ,入血分 ,兼走气分 ,是一味攻积导滞 ,下结毒 ,泻火凉血 ,活血化瘀 ,苦寒攻下的要药 ,因而大黄以攻为用 ,荡涤肠胃实热 ,以通燥结。通里热大实以治惊厥 ,急下存阴治高热神昏谵语 ,性虽趋下 ,但可治实炎上炎之目赤口疮 Rhubarb is a rhizome of many herbaceous plants of the family Polygonaceae. It is bitter and fragrant, and its nature is cold, it enters into the blood, and it also takes off gas. It is blindly accumulating stagnation, lower toxicosis, diarrhea, and cooling blood. Blood circulation, bitter cold to attack the medicine, so the attack for rhubarb use, wash the stomach heat, through the dry knot. Tung Lee Chit-Im Act to treat convulsions, swiftly saves the evil spirits of sinistering the high fever gods. Although sexuality tends to fall, it can cure the inflammation on the eyes of the red mouth sore mouth
春节前后,北京、上海、广州、长沙、西安、成都、合肥等许多地区都举行了不同规摸、不同形式的诗歌朗诵会。朗诵会的内容一般说来都很丰富,有新诗,有旧体诗词 Before and a
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摘 要:在我校推进的“优化自主体验”的课堂教学研究中,地理组经过多次实践探究,总结出“自主学习”、“自主提问”和“合作学习”是“优化自主体验”的有效方式这一结论。  关键词:自主学习;自主提问;合作学习  中图分类号:G633.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2016)13-072-1  在我校推进的“优化自主体验”的课堂教学研究中,地理组紧密结合初中地理教学的实际,依据地理学科
目的 :建立丹参通脉胶囊中丹参酮ⅡA 的含量测定方法 ,为该产品提供质量控制标准。方法 :以甲醇振摇提取 1h ,色谱柱 :YWGC18(4 6× 2 0 0mm ,10 μm) ,流动相 :乙腈 -甲醇 -
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A new method for preparing effective inhibition film on copper has been developed. Phenylthiourea (PT) was first absorbed to copper surface to form a monolayer