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一是学习意识。随着社会发展的突飞猛进,知识更新的速度也在加快,马克思主义基本原理同样在实践中不断丰富和发展,我们如果仅仅满足已有的学历知识水平,不主动充实新的知识,势必会出现适用的知识越来越少,以至用起来提襟见肘。所以,青年干部要下功夫认真学习有中国特色的社会主义理论,学习社会主义市场经济知识、现代科技知识、法律知识和其它各方面的知识,才能不断提高领导能力和管理水平。二是锻炼意识。艰苦环境的磨炼和复杂工作的实践,是增长才干的有效途径。有的青年干部惧怕承担“急、难、危、重”的工作,致使决策能力、领导水平长期不见提高。所以青年干部要自觉克服贪图安逸、讲享受,怕吃苦的消极思想,勇挑重担,勇于在实践中经风雨、见世面,塑造自己,走向成熟。三是进取意识。青年干部群体的成长是一个不断更新的动态过程,尤其在改革开放、人才辈出的今天,青年干部的成长如逆水行舟,不进则退。如果不注意自身素质的提高,不在新的环境中继续保持旺盛的斗志和活力,就可能成为时代的落伍者。四是公仆意识。青年干部应时刻牢记,不论职务高低都是人民的勤务员,是人民的公 First, learning consciousness. With the rapid development of society, the speed of knowledge updating is also accelerating. The basic principles of Marxism are also continuously enriched and developed in practice. If we only satisfy the existing academic knowledge level and do not take the initiative to enrich new knowledge, it is bound to come into force Less and less knowledge, and even use it to the best of my knowledge. Therefore, young cadres should make efforts to seriously study the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and learn from the knowledge of socialist market economy, modern science and technology, legal knowledge and other aspects so as to continuously improve their leadership and management skills. Second, exercise awareness. The hard environment training and the practice of complex work, is an effective way to grow ability. Some young cadres are afraid to take on “urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy” work, resulting in a long-term decline in their decision-making ability and leadership. Therefore, young cadres should conscientiously overcome the negative thoughts of enjoying themselves and being afraid of hardships, bravely taking the heavy burden, and courage to shape themselves and mature themselves through trials and tribulations in practice. Third, enterprising consciousness. The growth of young cadres is an ever-changing and dynamic process. Especially in the period of reform and opening up and the talented people come forth in large numbers, the growth of young cadres is like going in a treacherous course without progress. If we fail to pay attention to the improvement of our own quality and not continue to maintain the vigorous fighting and vitality in the new environment, we may become laggards of the times. Fourth, public service awareness. Young cadres should always keep in mind that they are the people’s servants