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(一)规避法律的原因。1、规避法律对投资主体的限制。因为我国《公司法》及有关法律法规规定,某些主体不能成为有限责任公司的股东,如党政机关禁止兴办经济实体。具体的说:4第一,公务员。为了保证公务人员的廉洁从政性,《公务员法》第53条规定公务员不得从事或参与营利性活动。公务员因其特有的身份,能够获悉政府的重要信息,从而可以推断法律政策的走向,从而打破了市场经济的公平竞争原则。结果,现实生活中以权谋私等腐败现象并不鲜见。实践中对于此条的 (A) to avoid legal reasons. 1, to avoid legal restrictions on the main investors. Because China’s “Company Law” and the relevant laws and regulations, some of the main body can not become a shareholder of a limited liability company, such as the party and government agencies prohibit the establishment of economic entities. Specifically: 4 First, civil servants. In order to ensure the integrity of civil servants, Article 53 of the Law on Civil Servants states that civil servants shall not engage in or participate in for-profit activities. Because of their unique identities, civil servants can learn the important information of the government, so as to infer the trend of legal policies and thus break the principle of fair competition in the market economy. As a result, corrupt practices such as abuse of power for personal gain in real life are not uncommon. In practice, for this article
为了保障绿色食品产品质量,中国绿色食品发展中心制定了《绿色食品生产资料认定推荐管理办法》及《绿色食品生产资料认定管理办法实施细则》(农药、肥料、食品添加剂部分),并于 1999
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一天,一个女生怯生生地找到我,说:“石老师,请问你有空吗?我有个问题想找你谈谈?”  我那时本来是有点事的,但学生找到了我,我只好把自己的事情暂时放下。我于是请她坐下,“好吧,你说
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