Should schools ban certain hairstyles?

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  Nowadays, there is a heated discussion about whether middle schools should forbid students to wear certain hairstyles. People have different opinions as follows.
  Many people, especially school managers and teachers think that it is necessary to set grooming rules so as to teach discipline, prevent distraction and minimize safety hazards. In China, according to Handbook for middle schools students made by National Educational Department, middle school students are not allowed to have colored or curly hair, males students, long hair. In virtue of the national guideline, schools vary in their own requirements. In some schools, even the length of hair and the coiffure are strictly specified. For example, according to the rules of the Xiamen Commerce and Tourism School (廈门工商旅游学校), male students are not allowed to have hair longer than 6 mm, while girls cannot wear bangs. The non-complying students are criticized, fined or sometimes, forcibly disciplined. Recently, an assistant principal of a county junior high school in Guangxi province who forcibly gave haircut to a dozen of incorrigible long-haired male students on school field was exposed on media. The public opinion doesn’t give a one-sided criticism. The “scissorhands” principal is supported by many people who praise his courage and strong will like a “warrior” in such a hairstyle “battle”.
  However, many adults and the majority of students are against the hairstyle code. One student complains about his school’s dress rules on Sina Weibo, saying that new students would not get registered unless they cut their hair:“ I feel it’s an infringement of my personal rights”. Another student netizen writes:“ The strict regulation on the length of hair is what you’d expect in prisons and in the army.” Another student comments:“ some schools are too archaic in their ways run by the old fossils that don’t get the times”. One teacher also worries that “the forcible enforcement will only make the students resist more.”
  As far as I’m concerned, although I’m all for modesty in dress and grooming, I cannot agree with the strict hairstyle rules.
  First of all, I think that the hairstyle has nothing to do with how well a person does with his studies as well as in his life. There is no evidence that long hair causes bad academic performance. On the contrary, many scientists and wise men have long hair, for example Einstein, Jesus Christ, let alone all those Chinese ancient sages. Moreover, the length of a person’s hair does not affect the way he thinks and acts. I’m pretty sure that many people with regular, short hair commit crimes and listen to devil music just as much as people with long hair.   Secondly, these rules reflect lack of individuality in many Chinese schools. Hair is a body part, as well as a kind of possession to which no one but you has a right. It’s a matter of human right and everyone should respect you and your right, regardless of his status and competence, as long as it doesn’t do harm to others. Every student has a right to show his or her individual characteristics. Aristotle, celebrated ancient Greek philosopher once said:“ A good mood will not emerge from a ugly dressing.” We do not court a fancy looking, what we what is just a hairstyle with basic aesthetics, which make us feel confident and comfortable. Students should not be cast in molds. A uniform hairstyle risks leading to a deadening of individual creativity and energy, which I believe, is against the original purpose of the education.
  Last but not least, the strict hairstyle code won’t help group’s integrity and benefit to the society. Apparently, a uniform hairstyle may be sign of discipline. In fact, it may affect students’ mental health, and trust in teachers and school. In old-fashioned educational culture, teachers have the absolute authority over the students, students should do nothing but obey those authority figures with no questions asked. If you question them, you are showing disrespect and will be disciplined. If the rule is set and enforced in such an outdated mindset, students will only feel suppressed, humiliated and apart from teachers and school, which will damage ultimately the study atmosphere of the school.
  As a high school student, I understand that schools maintain many rules with the health and future of us students in mind. I also agree that schools are responsible for guiding students in their behaviors and manners. However, I don’t think setting strict rules is the best way. I hope that our schools will get rid of old thinking and show more tolerance and understanding towards us students. I also hope that they could encourage more discussion and communication with students on issues like dress and grooming. And I suggest that schools set up some aesthetic lessons to improve students’ aesthetic sense and taste. If schools and students work hard together, I believe the ethos of our schools will get better and better.
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