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主任委员黄尧(教育部职业教育与成人教育司司长)副主任委员刘占山(教育部职业教育与成人教育司副司长)周稽裘(江苏省教育委员会副主任)刘伯安(国家经贸委培训司副司长)沈以华(交通部科技教育司副司长)杨金土(教育部国家督学)委员(排名不分先后)吴文虎(清华大学 Chairman Huang Yao (Director of the Department of Vocational Education and Adult Education of the Ministry of Education) Vice Chairman Liu Zhanshan (Deputy Director of the Department of Vocational Education and Adult Education of the Ministry of Education) Zhou Jiuqiu (Deputy Director of the Education Commission of Jiangsu Province) Liu Boan (State Economic and Trade Commission Training Deputy Director of the Department) Shen Yihua (Deputy Director of Science and Technology Education Department of the Ministry of Communications) Yang Jintu (National Inspectorate of the Ministry of Education) Members (in no particular order) Wu Wenhu (Tsinghua University
Objective To set up a new grading system of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and determine the value of predicting the probability of post-hemorrhagic hydrocep
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Osteoprotegerin (OPG) is a secreted protein of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family,whichregulates bone mass by inhibiting osteoclast differentiation and
据介绍,由中国石油化工研究院牵头,兰州化工研究中心负责的“针对抚顺石化20万t/a SBR装置的无磷化生产技术研究开发”项目,于日前投产并成功生产出环保型1500E优等品。这标
Yu Wenxia, Miss China, won the coveted1title of Miss World on Saturday, August 18,2012, triumphing on home soil during a glitzy2final held in a mining city on t