
来源 :泸州教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wnt
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国内外探讨素质教育的文章颇多,但探讨职业中学素质教育的却是凤毛麟角,且不系统。教育与市场经济的结合点就是教育要为其培养合格的劳动者和人才。职教更是直接为社会输送劳动者。社会对劳动的政治素质、思想素质、道德素质、文化素质、身理素质、心理素质的要求即是对职高生的素质要求,也是学校素质教育应达到的目标和规格。把素质教育的内容具体化,根据校情,找准实施素质教育的切入口,构建学校素质教育模式,源源不断地为社会培养出高素质的人才,即本文探索的问题。 There are a lot of articles on quality education at home and abroad, but there are few articles on quality education in vocational schools. The link between education and market economy is that education should train qualified workers and talents for it. Vocational education is more direct delivery of labor for the community. The requirements of the society for the political quality, ideological quality, moral quality, cultural quality, physical quality and psychological quality of work are the qualifications of post-secondary students and the goals and specifications that should be met in school-based quality education. The specific content of quality education, according to the school situation, identify the implementation of quality education cut-off, the construction of school quality education model, a steady stream of high-quality personnel for the community to cultivate, that is, this paper explores the issue.
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