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立冬已过,严寒逐渐到来。冬季是麻疹、流感、脑膜炎、斑疹伤寒、白喉、猩红热等易于发生和流行的季节;加之我省几年来连续遭到自然灾害的侵袭,今年入春以来,长期干旱,夏秋两季部分地区又遭受了严重水灾,致使部分地区农业歉收,群众生活水平和卫生条件降低,抗病能力减弱。在这种情况下,搞好卫生工作,预防疾病,保护人民健康,支援冬季生产建设,已成为卫生医疗部门和全体医药卫生人员当前迫不急待的政治任务,事不宜迟,我们必须立即行动起来,团结广大人民群众积极投入战斗,力争在今冬明春防治疾病战线上打次漂亮仗。一年来,我省防治疾病工作,在“卫生为生产、生产讲卫生”的方针指导下,从一切服务于生产出发,在各叔党委的领导下,与各有关部门密切配合,发扬自力更生和预防为主的精神,运用以往工作经验,采取各种有效措施,组织了大批医药卫生人员深入第一线,开展巡回医疗,实行划片包干,送医送药到户、到人;积极发掘和推广民间土方、土药和一切行之有 The winter has passed and the cold is gradually coming. In the winter season, measles, flu, meningitis, typhus, diphtheria and scarlet fever are prone to occur and are popular. In addition, the province has suffered continuous natural disasters in recent years. Since the beginning of this year, it has been a long-term drought, and parts of the summer and autumn seasons. It has also suffered severe floods, resulting in poor harvests in some areas, reduced living standards and sanitary conditions of the people, and weakened disease resistance. Under such circumstances, doing a good job in sanitation, preventing diseases, protecting people’s health, and supporting winter production and construction has become a political task that the health and medical departments and all medical and health personnel are currently in urgent need of, and we must act without delay. It is time to unite the broad masses of the people and actively participate in the fighting, and strives to play a beautiful battle against the disease prevention front in the winter, spring and spring. In the past year, our province has been working on disease prevention and control. Under the guidance of the principle of “Health for production, and production for health”, we are starting from all services and production, under the leadership of various party committees, and working closely with relevant departments to promote self-reliance and prevention. Based on the spirit of the past, using previous work experience and adopting various effective measures, we organized a large number of medical and health personnel to go deep into the front line, carry out medical tours, perform zoning and lump sums, send medicines to the homes and people, and actively explore and promote them. Folk earth, earth medicine and everything
国内首创生物反应修饰剂──老君仙白云山正清制药股份有限公司(418000)佘建强早在80年代,国外学者就提出了"生物反应修饰剂"(Biologialresponsemodifler,BRM)的概念。强调在各种疾病的治疗同时并用BRM,可以提高患者的免... C
<正> 梨子1个.生姜25克,均切成薄片,加水1碗,煎服,1次喝完,当天有效。感冒头疼时,用一条干净毛巾旋入盆内,以适量热水浸湿,稍拧去水,叠压在患者眼鼻或头颈部的“风池穴”等部
目的:观察大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤。方法:选SD 大鼠,制备肾血管性高血压大鼠(RHR),以线栓法复制大脑中动脉梗阻(MCAO) 3 h 后再灌注21 h(A 组);MCAO6 h 后再灌注18 h(B组);MCAO24 h(C组)。于MCAO 后6 h 及24 h 进行神经功能障碍评分,TTC染色后
桔子皮理气化痰,治咳嗽痰多、胸闷腹胀、反胃呕吐。桔瓤上的筋膜,药名桔络,能通络化痰、顺气活血,治咳嗽、有痰难吐、胸口闷痛等。 Orange peel gasification phlegm, cure