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国际投资仲裁不仅是一种投资者与国家之间的投资争端解决机制,还是涉及仲裁庭在全球行政空间行使权力的一种全球治理形式。在为针对外国投资者的国家行为确定标准时,例如根据公平与公正待遇原则界定什么是不当行政行为或什么是违反正当程序时,仲裁庭确立的标准可能影响到被申请国和其他国家今后的行为,并很可能会影响到其他案件中仲裁庭的裁决。在解决投资者和国家之间的投资争端时,仲裁庭还作为一国具体行为的审查机构,其运用比例分析或者其他的公法审查方法来应对投资者保护、国家环境以及经济政策选择在公共利益上难以平衡的情况。在这些方面,国际投资仲裁构成了全球治理结构的一部分,并为构建和塑造新兴的全球行政法律机构提供了帮助。但同时,仲裁庭的这一监管活动也引起了强烈的批评,这些批评不仅针对具体的裁决,而且还针对仲裁庭作出裁决的权力合法性本身。本文认为通过仲裁庭对新兴的全球行政法原则的运用,上述问题可以(至少是部分地)得到解决。 International investment arbitration is not only an investment dispute settlement mechanism between investors and countries, but also a form of global governance involving the exercise of power by arbitration tribunals in the global administrative space. The criteria established by the arbitral tribunal may affect the future conduct of the respondent State and other States when establishing the criteria for State actions against foreign investors, for example on the basis of the principle of fair and equitable treatment, what constitutes an improper administrative act or what constitutes a violation of due process And is likely to affect arbitral tribunals’ rulings in other cases. In settling investment disputes between investors and countries, the arbitral tribunal also acts as a review body for a country’s specific conduct, applying proportional analysis or other public-law censorship to deal with investor protection, the national environment, and the choice of economic policy in the public interest On the balance of the situation. In these areas, international investment arbitration forms part of the global governance structure and has helped to shape and shape emerging global administrative and legal institutions. At the same time, however, this regulatory activity by the arbitral tribunal has also caused strong criticism, not only on specific awards but also on the legitimacy of the power of the arbitral tribunal’s ruling. This paper argues that the above problems can be solved (at least in part) through the arbitration tribunal’s application of the emerging principles of global administrative law.
期数页码1。(1)3。(1)43)、产‘、产、声‘、产46 1 2910了、﹄了、了气、了.、了、 …0.2 2 8 34、,口、J‘、产、产、尹、了r、I9 23 26 n 15 1925了.、了飞产了、Z吸了气了
新闻回顾::五月上旬,北京市人大常委会就提请审议的《北京市实施办法》(修订草案)征求民意。但在去年底的草案送审稿中,针对男女退 News Review :: In early May, Beijing M
6月28日,河北省林业厅副厅长宋墨禄同志来到我院,分别为毕业生和部分干部、教师作了报告。 下午,宋副厅长为学院1993届的340名应届本、专科毕业生作了动员报告.他首先介绍了
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