
来源 :医药保健杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lcmeng
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构杞子是枸杞的果实,叶叫绿枸杞,茎称却老枝,籽称天精子,根称地骨皮,子、花、叶、根、皮都可入药。2000多年来,枸杞功效的传闻颇广,其中就有一个“姑娘打老翁”的故事。传说古时候有一个人出差到西河,路上看到一个十五六岁的姑娘杖打一位八九十岁的白发老翁,而老翁丝毫不反抗,低头甘愿受责。这个出差人十分奇怪,便问那姑娘,老人是她什么人,为什么打他。姑娘回答说打的人是她曾孙,因为有好药不吃,以致年纪轻轻就这样老态龙钟。出差人问姑娘多大岁数,姑娘回答说她才372岁。出差人不禁大吃一惊,忙问姑娘吃了什么仙药。姑娘说不是仙药是中药,这种药有五个名字,春天叫天精,夏天 Structured wolfberry fruit is the fruit of wolfberry, the leaf is called green wolfberry, the stem is called the old branch, the seed is called tian sperm, the root is called bone rind, the child, flower, leaf, root, and skin are all medicine. For more than 2,000 years, there have been a lot of rumors about the effectiveness of 枸杞 , , , , , 。 。 。 。 。. According to legend, there was a man on a business trip to Xihe in the ancient days. On the road, a fifteen-year-old girl was seen hitting an 80-year-old white-haired man. The old man did not resist, and he bowed willingly to be blamed. The man on this business trip was very strange. He asked the girl who the old man was and why she was beaten. The girl replied that the person she had beaten was her great-grandson, because there was a good medicine to eat, and the old man was so young. The person on the business trip asked how old the girl was. The girl replied that she was only 372 years old. People on business trips can not help but be shocked and asked the girl what she had eaten. The girl said that it is not a fairy drug that is a traditional Chinese medicine. There are five names for this medicine. Spring is called Tian Jing, summer.
在广西桂东北的永福、临桂等几个县,出产一种呈在圆球状,形似柿子大小的果实。将其掰开泡于热开水中,几分钟后饮用,其味清甜醇香,止渴生津。 In Yongfu, Lingui and other c
1.麝香0.5g,明矾1g,冰片1g,冷开水5m l,大田螺2个。先将螺盖拔下,然后将上述4种药放入田螺内,置放一夜,螺壳内即有水液。用此水搽腋下,早、中、晚各搽一次,5~7日可见效。2.朝
生姜(Zingiber Official Rosc.)属姜科(Zingiberaceae)姜属,多年生草本宿根植物,原产于东南亚。我国的中部、东南部至西南各省广为栽培。近年来,随着人们自身保健意识的增强,越来