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马兰,是一个不为人知的小山村。这个深藏在太行山褶皱里的小山村抗战时期是《晋察冀日报》社所在地,家喻户晓的《毛泽东选集》就诞生在这里。抗日烽火中,马兰人用生命和鲜血保卫了晋察冀日报社,晋察冀日报社许多在此战斗过的老同志因此把这里看作是自己的第二故乡。1943年秋冬日军扫荡晋察冀边区,17名马兰人为保卫报社的设备献出了自己的生命,7名报社的同志也将生命献身于此。邓拓在悼念战友的诗中写到:“从此马兰路,千秋烈士居。”任时光飞逝,历史却不会忘记这些已经故去的英魂。 Malan, is an unknown hill village. This small mountain village deep in the fold of the Taihang Mountains was home to the “Jin-Cha-Ji Daily” during the war of resistance against Japan. The well-known “Selected Works of Mao Zedong” was born here. During the war of resistance against Japan, the Malan people defend the Jinchaji Daily by life and blood, and many old comrades in the Jinchaji Daily who have fought here therefore regard it as their second hometown. In the fall and winter of 1943, the Japanese army raided the border areas of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Province, and 17 Malan gave their lives to the equipment for defending the newspapers. Seven newspaper comrades devoted their lives to this. In his poem about his comrades in arms, Deng Tuo wrote: “From then on, Malan Road lives in a thousand strongholds.” As time passes, history will not forget these souls who have gone.
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数学教学过程中,最为基础的就是计算。众多数学规律的发现,以及各种问题的解决,几乎都离不开计算。 Math teaching process, the most basic is the calculation. The disco
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To evaluate the effect of groundwater irrigation on the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) pollution abatement and soil microbial characteristics,a case stu