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郧县教研室在借鉴外地经验的基础上经过多年的研究实践,推出了“三维互动,五步导学”探究式教学法,这种教学法是一种以生本教育为基本理念,依托《导学练案》,通过师生多维互动,根据五大流程(模块)逐一导学的探究式教学方法。笔者以生本之念待之,以天纵之教践之,以“五步导学”行之。实践中,笔者越来越觉得,怎样来重新定位课堂教学中“教”与“学”的关系显得至关重要。本文想把侧重点放在提高教师教的能力(教力)和学生学的能力(学力)之间的关系。就此从三个方面谈一点自己的看法,抛砖引玉,以飨读者。一、增强学力是提高教力的落脚点和归宿培养具有高度的学习自觉性和较强的学习能力的新一代学习者,不仅是社会及个人可持续发展的迫切需要,也是建成学习型社会最重要、最关键的因素。在建设学习型社会的进程中,学校教育需要经历一场深刻的变革,这就要求我们的课堂教学把培养学生的学习习惯、增强学生的学习意识、提升学生的学习能力作为落脚点和归宿。在教学中,教师要以学生“会学”为目标,努力提高学生的学习能力。教师要在对学生学习的指导上 Yunxian teaching and research room in the light of foreign experience on the basis of many years of research and practice, launched the “three-dimensional interactive, five-step guided learning” inquiry teaching method, this teaching method is a kind of education to students as the basic philosophy, relying on “Guidance Practice”, through the multi-dimensional interaction between teachers and students, according to the five processes (modules) one by one to learn the teaching method of inquiry. The author regards the idea of ​​giving birth to it, uses the teaching of heaven to teach it, and uses “five steps of guidance” to do it. In practice, I feel more and more that how to reorient the relationship between teaching and learning in classroom teaching is very important. This article wants to focus on improving the ability of teachers to teach (teaching) and the ability of students learning (academic) between the relationship. In this regard to talk about their own views from three aspects, start a discussion to readers. First, to enhance learning ability is to improve the teaching force and the foothold to cultivate a high degree of learning consciousness and strong learning ability of a new generation of learners, not only for social and personal urgent need for sustainable development, but also to build a learning society Important and most critical factor. In the process of building a learning society, school education needs to undergo a profound change, which requires that our classroom teaching to cultivate students’ learning habits, enhance students’ learning awareness and enhance students’ ability to learn as the end result and end. In teaching, teachers should be students “to learn ” as the goal, and strive to improve students’ learning ability. Teachers should be on the guidance of student learning
摘要 数学课堂是动态的。在教学中创设情境,反馈互动,积极评价,尊重、引导、拓展生成,发挥学生的主动性,引导学生学习,使预设外生成的教学转化为促进教学的有效资源,让课堂绽放生命的活力。  关键词 数学 课堂 互动 生成    “生成”是新课程倡导的一个重要教学理念,要求教师以学生发展为中心,赋予学生发现的权利,要求课堂充满活力、互动生成。在课堂中,我及时捕捉课堂生成的智慧火花,构建生成的数学课堂教学
高效课堂不是一股风教学,应该不断总结,完善提高,持之以恒。 Efficient classroom teaching is not a style, should continue to summarize, improve, and persevere.