Effects of annealing temperature on microstructure and ferroelectric properties of Bi_(0.5)(Na_(0.85

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:johnlu2828
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Bi0.5(Na0.85K0.15)0.5TiO3(BNKT15) thin films were synthesized by metal-organic decomposition(MOD) at annealing temperatures of 650,680,710 and 740℃,and the effects of annealing temperature on the microstructure,dielectric properties,remnant polarization(2Pr) and leakage current density were studied with X-ray diffractometer,atomic force microscope,precision impedance analyzer,ferroelectric analysis station and semiconductor parameter tester.The results show that the thin film annealed at 710℃ exhibits a typical perovskite structure without predominant orientation and a smooth surface with evenly distributed grains.2Pr value(67.4 μC/cm2 under 830 kV/cm) and the leakage current density(1.6×10-6 A/cm2 at 170 kV/cm) for BNKT15 thin film annealed at 710℃ are better than those for thin films annealed at other temperatures. Bi0.5 (Na0.85K0.15) 0.5TiO3 (BNKT15) thin films were synthesized by metal-organic decomposition (MOD) at annealing temperatures of 650,680,710 and 740 ° C, and the effects of annealing temperature on the microstructure, dielectric properties, remnant polarization (2Pr) and leakage current density were studied with X-ray diffractometer, atomic force microscope, precision impedance analyzer, ferroelectric analysis station and semiconductor parameter tester. Results show that the thin film annealed at 710 ℃ exhibits a typical perovskite structure without predominant orientation and a smooth surface with an evenly distributed grains.2Pr value (67.4 μC / cm2 under 830 kV / cm) and the leakage current density (1.6 × 10-6 A / cm2 at 170 kV / cm) for BNKT15 thin film annealed at 710 ℃ are better than those for thin films annealed at other temperatures.
摘 要 文章旨在借廊坊燕京职业技术学院思政课“理论学习—自我感悟—实践体验”“三维一体”教学模式的运行状况,进而提升高职院校大学生“创优、创新、创业”能力,以此为例,深度剖析高职院校思政课的教学新方法,进一步展现高职院校思政课的本质魅力和教育价值,对学生主体性发挥和时代性表征探索出路,建构适合高职院校思政课教学的系统的可操作的有效教学模式。  关键词 思政课 三维一体 理论学习 自我感悟 实践体验
A model test system with a dynamic load device for geotechnical engineering in cold regions is presented.This system consists of a model test tank,a refrigerati
一、受亚洲金融危机影响,香港经济步入调整期 受亚洲金融危机影响,1997年9月10月期间,香港资产市场价格暴跌,港元受到国际投机者的冲击。为了捍卫联系汇率,保障银行体系的安