Lymphoepithelial cyst of the pancreas: a case report

来源 :Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lianzi0118
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BACKGROUND: Lymphoepithelial cyst of the pancreas is a rare lesion of undetermined pathogenesis that had been do- cumented almost exclusively in males. The literature on this entity is limited to reports of single or a small number of cases. METHODS: The case we described herein was compared with a total of 36 cases reported elsewhere. RESULTS: The 37 cases of lymphoepithelial cyst of the pancreas including our case were reviewed. Lymphoepi- thelial cysts have uniform and distinctive clinicopathologic features. Approximately 46% of the reported cases were asymptomatic with the lesions found incidentally, and their symptoms were non-specific. CONCLUSIONS: Lymphoepithelial cyst is a rare benign le- sion of the pancreas. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is a rapid and reliable technique that can be used as the first diagnostic step in cases of cystic lesions of the pancreas. BACKGROUND: Lymphoepithelial cyst of the pancreas is a rare lesion of undetermined pathogenesis that had been do- cumented almost exclusively in males. The literature on this entity is limited to reports of single or a small number of cases. METHODS: The case we intended herein was compared with a total of 36 cases reported elsewhere. RESULTS: The 37 cases of lymphoepithelial cyst of the pancreas including our case were were reviewed. Approximately 46% of the reported cases were asymptomatic with the lesions found incidentally, and their symptoms were non-specific. CONCLUSIONS: Lymphoepithelial cyst is a rare benign legment of the pancreas. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is a rapid and reliable technique that can be used as the first diagnostic step in cases of cystic lesions of the pancreas.
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AIM TO characterize the genome of an wild-type HAV isolate(DL3)in China.METHODS:A stool specimen was collected from hepatitis Apatient from Dalian,China,HAY(DL3
近一段时间以来传染性非典型肺炎 (世界卫生组织又称严重急性呼吸综合征 ,SARS)在国内部分地区有病例发生及蔓延。我院 2 0 0 3年 4月底根据唐山市委、市政府指示承建唐山市
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