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本文作者根据临床观察认为,内眼术后前房内出现渗出物,按其原因不同,各有特点。细菌感染:在术后1至2天就出现症状,病人眼痛,眼睑浮肿,睫状充血或球结膜水肿,前房内出现脓性渗出物,形成前房积脓。大多数病例,在前房穿刺液中可找到病原体。内眼手术后出现这些症状应立即积极应用抗菌素治疗,若不及时控制病情发展,就会失明。霉菌感染:手术后症状出现较晚,病人眼痛,视力下降,前房内出现渗出物的过程没有细菌感染那末激烈,也可出现前房积脓。内眼手术后霉菌感染的特点是在玻璃体前界膜上或/和最前部的玻璃体内出现黄色小颗粒。在前房穿刺液中,特别在黄色颗粒中,可证实有霉菌存在。内眼手术后发生霉菌感染的予后是严重的,应用制霉菌素的效果不一定满意。同时采用局部及全身治疗效果较好,用手术方法除去黄色颗粒可有益于病情好转。另一种术后前房渗出的征状与细菌感染相 According to the clinical observation, the author thinks that there are exudates in the anterior chamber after intraocular surgery, which have their own characteristics according to different reasons. Bacterial infection: 1 to 2 days after the onset of symptoms, the patient eye pain, eyelid edema, ciliary congestion or conjunctival edema, purulent exudate appeared in the anterior chamber, the formation of anterior chamber empyema. In most cases, pathogens can be found in the anterior chamber puncture fluid. Intraocular surgery after these symptoms should be immediately active antibiotic treatment, if not control the progression of the disease, it will be blind. Mold infection: the symptoms appear later surgery, patients with eye pain, vision loss, exudation in the anterior chamber there is no bacterial infection so intense process, but also the emergence of anterior chamber empyema. Mold infection after intraocular surgery is characterized by the appearance of small yellow particles on the vitreous anterior chamber membrane and / or in the anterior chamber vitreous. In the anterior chamber puncture fluid, especially in the yellow granules, it is confirmed that mold is present. Ocular fungal infection after surgery is serious, the effect of nystatin is not necessarily satisfied. At the same time the use of local and systemic treatment is better, with surgical methods to remove yellow particles can be beneficial to the condition improved. Another sign of postoperative anterior exudate and bacterial infection phase
拍电影这件事,崔健早在十多年前就开始酝酿,几部短片习作就是证明。长片处女作《蓝色骨头》,也早在2005年出版《给你一点颜色》专辑时已经有了创意——当时的崔健,想用黑、白、蓝、红、黄各种主题色调来塑造影像。2014年,其他颜色纷纷隐去,只留下一抹蓝:《蓝色骨头》。据说其他几种颜色的构想仍然在他的电脑里安静呆着,等待未来一一去成就。  出专辑慢,拍电影也慢。崔健说这个时代垃圾太多,需要否定,需要1比1
原发性眶内视神经胶质瘤多发生于儿童或青少年,其主要表现为眼球缓慢前突及视力严重受损,国内对本病临床结合病理的报导较少,现将我院9例报告如下: Primary orbital optic
浇注时从型芯的粘结剂中释放出各种气体 ,这在过去的文献中已做了许多报道。为进一步了解释放气体的数量和特性 ,必须了解其中哪些气体可被型芯的冷却部分所吸收。人们早已知