
来源 :印刷工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dengggaowanyuan
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今后,传统的印刷企业大致有两种生存模式:一是做量,比拼的是低成本;二是差异化,提供同行无法提供的产品和服务。我想大家可能都有相同的感觉,印刷这个行业似乎正面临生存的危机,尤其是新兴的数字技术、互联网技术带来了很大的冲击,因此大家对未来有些担忧。全球印刷产值从过去的15年看(见图1),一直稳定在4000亿欧元上下,可以说发展平稳。即便在金融风暴时期的2008、 In the future, the traditional printing enterprises generally have two modes of survival: First, volume, competition is low cost; the second is the difference, to provide counterparts can not provide products and services. I think everybody may have the same feeling. The printing industry seems to be facing a crisis of survival. In particular, emerging digital technologies and Internet technologies have had a great impact. Therefore, some people have some concerns about the future. The output value of printing in the world over the past 15 years (see Figure 1), has been stable at 400 billion euros, stable development. Even during the financial turmoil of 2008,
β-ketoacyl-CoA 的生产,被 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase (KCS ) 催化,是在很长的链的第一步丰满的酸(VLCFA ) 生合成。这里,我们从 Gossypium hirsutum 识别了 58 KCS 基因, 31
In celebration of JIPB's 60 th anniversary,this paper summarizes and reviews the development process of the journal.To start,we offer our heartfelt thanks t
一张加倍的 haploid (DH ) 人口,它由 120 根线组成源于典型 indica 和装饰用的梨树混血儿的花药文化“ CJ06'/'TN1 ”,在这研究被使用。旗帜叶的叶舌长度为用 DH 人口
酸磷酸酶(APases ) 的正式就职和分泌物被认为是帮助植物在磷酸盐(Pi ) 下面熬过并且成长剥夺的适应机制。在 Arabidopsis,有 29 紫色酸磷酸酶(AtPAP ) 基因。系统地调查不同
主要,在响应波动调整生长的有机体点亮的 photoautotrophic 的功能表明的 Phytochromes。植物 phytochromes 的不同 isoforms 经常显示保存并且分叉的角色,大概种回答到 finetu
二弱休眠异种,指明的 Q4359 和 Q4646,与 400 Gy 60Co gamma 放射在处理以后从米饭栽培变种 N22 被获得。比作 N22 栽培变种,当暴露了到房间温度的一个时期时,变异的种子的休眠更
<正>Following the winter holidays I look forward to the New Yearof 2012,and would like to take the opportunity to express mysincere thanks to all the authors,re