Protect the Nature

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  Nowadays,with the development of science and technology,people come into confilict with nature.It seems that we can change the circumstance with our minds,but as C.R.Darwin put it,“survival of the fittest”.As part of nature,we should adjust to it rather than reconstruct it.Therefore we all should take an active part in protecting nature and become an environmentalist.
  There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years。What comes first is that the desertification is becoming increasingly severe these days.The main reasons are that people cut down too many trees and destroy a large area of grass land.As we all know,trees and glass can prevent the earth from being washed away,without which sand will spread wildly everywhere.According to a survey,the sandstorm has caused much damage to our environment,including slowing down the modernization proceeding and increasing the economic burden.Apart from it,with the urbanization going on,more and more private cars lead to traffic jam as well as emit carbon dioxide,which is closely connected with global warming and natural disasters. Worse still,as the birth rate grows sharply,we are faced with energy crisis.With the development of industry and agriculture,the world has consumed a great amount of energy.But all this energy has gone forever.Therefore,energy supplies are becoming short,in other words,all forms of energy will be exhausted in future.Last but not least,the serious pollution of air,water and soil is obviously common in our daily life..the polluted air does great harm to people’s health.The polluted water causes diseases and death.
  Faced with the terrible situation,it is urgent to protect the environment.As far as I am concerned,Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution,to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution.Therefore,governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.
  In my opinion,to protect environment,the government must take even more concrete measures.Firstly,it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Secondly,much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice,because more people means more people means more pollution.,those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves lastiy,there are many new energies for human beings nowadays.Such as nuclear energy,solar energy,wind power,ocean energy,etc.New forms of energy can greatly save traditional energies thus prevent our natural resources from being explored further.Solar energy,for example,is environment-friendly and has high efficiency Only in these ways can we have a sustainable development and a harmonious society.To sum up,I am strongly convinced that a blue sky,fresh air and white clouds will appear again in the near future..
摘 要:在班级中,非常重要的管理者即班主任,其需组织一切班级事务以及活动。从实质来讲,班主任可在无形中影响到学生的学习能力和心理健康。基于此,本文论述了初中班主任管理中常见的一些问题,并提出了针对性的解决对策。  关键词:初中班主任;管理工作;常见问题  初中阶段的学生正处在一个认知世界、三观树立的关键时期。而作为初中班主任需采用科学的管理方式来强化管理班级以及学习,确保顺利地开展相关的班级工作,
摘 要:在新课标的理念下,初中数学教学必须突出学生的主体地位,在课堂教学中积极采取启发式、参与式、研究式、案例式教学,实现因材施教,引导学生不断增强自主学习能力。问题导学法在初中数学教学中的运用符合数学学科的特点和学生实际生活的需要,能够提升初中数学教学成效,促进学生数学学习。为此,文章结合华东师大版初中数学教学实例,具体分析问题导学法在初中数学教学中的运用。  关键词:问题导学法;初中数学;应用
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摘 要:在现代教育教学的管理模式上,随着新课程标准的实施,要求教师在教学中全面提高学生的综合素养。新课改以后,它的培养学生的理念与传统理念已经大相径庭,因此,传统的管理方式方法适用性就有一定局限。这就需要在教育教学管理中针对目前存在的问题,做出创新发展,才能更好发挥出新课改的作用。  关键词:新课程;教学管理;小学教育  引言  新课程背景下小学教育管理在教育改革中也应该充分利用新的管理办法进行改
摘 要:现代教育要培养的是德智体美劳全面发展的人才,因此音乐教育是教育体系中不可缺少的一部分。这就要求,音乐课堂要努力地适应社会需求,巧用生活化教学,提升音乐课堂质量,创造一个新兴的音乐教学模式。本文主要阐述了音乐课堂生活化的意义、现状和策略这三个方面的问题。  关键词:音乐课堂;生活化教学;课堂质量  音乐课堂生活化教学,是提高音乐课堂质量的必要条件,是发展音乐生活化理念的前提。但是现在的音乐教
摘 要:随着第一个计算机网络ARPAnet1969年在美国诞生以来,网络已经无形中影响到了人们的生活,无论是社会的政治、经济,还是文化和教育都离不开网络。其中学校的教育也由最初的传统计算机辅助教学,逐步出现了网络化教学,这完全颠覆了原有的学习手段和学习方式。本文就将探讨一下基于网络资源的高职数学自主学习模式。  关键词:高职数学;网络;自主学习  一、高职生数学学习的现状  a)高职数学学习的两级
Abstract:in the experience of economic times,life has become a process of experiencing experiences.The purpose and value of design is to provide a rich experience for customers' life.Will experience d
摘 要:羽毛球运动中,不论是专业运动员还是业余爱好者,在比赛中进攻得分频率最高的就是正手扣杀技术。正手扣杀技术划分为准备阶段、引拍阶段、击球阶段和随挥阶段。正手扣杀属于鞭,技术各方面齐全,正手扣杀运动员下肢躯干和上肢协调,产生最佳效果。  本文以羽毛球项目为例,通过对运动技术系统结构形成及优化过程的分析,旨在一定程度上转变教练员或教师的训练和教学思维方式,将运动技术看成一个整体来制定训练和教学计划
摘 要:体育经济是我国经济的重要组成,对提高我国经济总量、带动我国经济发展意义巨大。体育经济对我国经济发展能够产生非常积极的作用,然而就现阶段的实际情况而言,体育经济在发展过程中还存在一些问题,我国经济的发展也因此受到了制约。基于此,需要深入研究问题,积极制定相关的策略解决问题,以优化体育经济为途径提高我国整体经济。本文就此展开讨论,希望能够为我国经济发展贡献绵薄之力。  关键词:体育经济;经济发
摘 要:新课改提出了“自主、合作、探究”的教育新理念,探究教学模式应运而生,相比传统教学课堂探究教学更强调学生主观能动性发挥,能够提高学生课堂参与度,培养学生自主学习能力,从而实现教学质量提高。本文结合当前高中数学教学实际,从多方面探讨如何借助探究教学模式提高数学课堂教学质量,帮助学生更好地学习数学。  关键词:高中数学;探究教学;应用研究  高中数学探究式教学是在从数学领域中确定探究的“主题”,