
来源 :当代经理人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wx1980_2009
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已经是国内艺术圈公认的新生代批评家和策展人的代表人物朱其,从诗人到商人的成长经历代表了中国文人的进化之路。 Zhu Qi, one of the representatives of the Cenozoic critics and curators recognized by the domestic art circle, grew up from a poet to a businessman representing the evolution of Chinese literati.
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Lead halide perovskites attracted a lot of attention in the last several years,with a focus gradually shifting from the record power conversion efficiencies rep
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尽管热喷涂具有无可否认的优点 ,但它毕竟是一种很费时间的工艺 ,同时用于预处理待喷涂工件的一些溶剂和喷射介质 ,会造成生态环境的问题。很多金属重新氧化的时间非常短 ,这