The Way of Improving English Classroom Teaching Efficiency My Oppinions about English Classroom Teac

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  [Abstract]Classroom teaching is one of the main way to accomplish English teaching task.Whether a teacher accomplishes the task well depends on successful classroom teaching.Improve its efficiency from feeling teaching,encouraging teaching and language teaching.
  [Key words]feeling teaching,encouraging teaching,language teaching,love,interest,ability
  Classroom teaching is one of the main way to accomplish English teaching task.Whether a teacher accomplishes the task well depends on successful classroom teaching.How to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching is what we teachers are proving into .Here,I would like to analyze this problem from feeling teaching,encouraging teaching and language teaching.
  Ⅰ.Show love to Ss.and our work;Then make use of feeling teaching.
  Someone says teaching is the glorious career under the sun .Teachers are often compared to gardeners,engineers of soul and candles.I’m proud of being a gardener,watering the flowers;an engineer of soul,passing on knowledge and skills to the nation’s young generation;and a candle,bringing others light but carrying little for itself.
  The best method of teaching English is one that arouses in a student a love of learning English.Everyone in the class is like a member of a big family.I give my love to each member,especially to those who fall behind in study.Fewer exams and more exercises make my students love English.I’m always smiling to them and speak gently to make my students feel confident.I often encourage them and care for them by saying like this:“OK.Very good.” “Wonderful.” “Excellent.” “You are clever.” “You are a good boy/ girl.” “I’m very pleased with you.” “Let me give you a star.” “Let me give you a red flower.” “Try again.” “I believe that you can do it well.” and so on.I love my students and they love me,too.They study in a happy and relaxed atmosphere.
  I always say to myself,“Today is the first day of my life .I know I can teach any and all of my students well.” I love my students and I love my teaching,so I often apply feeling teaching to English classroom teaching.
  Feeling teaching is a cause of a teacher using specified teaching methods by arousing,mobilizing and meeting the emotional needs of the students to make teaching active The application of feeling teaching not only attach importance to the developing of the intelligential factor of the students,but also let the students develop their language proficiency and it can better impart knowledge.Teachers and students exchange the emotion with each other,setting up a harmonious and pleasant relationship.Teachers teach with their body language and through mental activities,students learn happily under the positively initiative mood.In this way,we all gain more than we try to.   To improve English classroom teaching efficiency,a teacher must take great pains to develop students non-intelligence factor,rationally regulate and fully utilize emotional factors.To make use of emotion teaching in English classroom teaching .We may do as following:
  First,keep mentally secure and free;Have fun from practice.
  Some Psychologists believe that the essential condition to study is being secure and free in mood.When someone is relaxed,they will think actively and learn smoothly.They can fully display their own thoughts without constraint,and they won’t be afraid of being laughed at and criticized by others.Relaxing atmosphere is useful to fully bring out the latent potentialities of study.One of the ways to keep secure and free mood is that we teachers view students with much appreciative sight,implying:“You are OK.”“You learn well.”Another way is that:Teachers encourage students think independently,to do positively,to speak bravely,and not to be afraid of doing wrong.Make every student feel happy and learn on relaxed emotion,and let them enjoy fully free of mind in class.
  Second,make learning a pleasant experience.
  Psychologists still advocate that cheerful feeling is the best inducement and the most effective inspiration in learning.Students will become positive and initiative as soon as they have delighted feeling,and the their minds work faster and faster,knowledge is quickly absorbed.English is a subject on practice.There are many language materials about all kinds of themes in the new editorial teaching material,They come from daily life and are all quite widespread.An English teacher should study the teaching material intensively and actively,make full of modern teaching facilities and methods,make soundless materials become sounding,imaginable and interesting,arouse students to learn actively,make students be personally on the scene,let students experience happiness,at the same time,they grasp more knowledge .
  Ⅱ.Encourage students to learn English.
  With the development of economy,our society is developing rapidly.Therefore,education becomes more and more important,so does English teaching.
  As we all know,to be a useful cross-century talent,one must know English.English is a tool which can not only help us know more about the world outside,but also help us learn from all useful experience in other countries.English is a bridge to other knowledge Nowadays it is used more and more frequently in the world.So it’s important for everyone to learn English,especially for the school students.   However,as far as I know,in schools some of the students dislike English They find it hard to learn .What is more,some of them think it is useless.Others are short of determination or confidence,that becomes a serious problem for us English teachers to face and to deal with.What we must do now is to find out ways to encourage students to learn English.But how can we? In my opinion,what we may do is following:
  First,it is necessary to make great effort to let students have a desire for English.
  For example,nowadays tourism develops very fast.There are many scenic spots in China.A lot of tourists have or will come to our country to see some places of interest.So I think our students will have chances to listen to and to communicate with foreigners later.And sometimes they will even have chances to work as guides for the foreign tourists.Besides,in many professions English is also needed very much,for example,computers,English newspapers,books,magazines,CCTV English programs and so forth.English is spoken by the largest number of people in the modern world.It’s not only spoken as the first language by most people in the USA,but also used very widely as a foreign language in many other countries.In the modern society,English is very widely used for business between different countries,most business letters around the world are written in English;half the world’s telephone calls are made in English;three quarters of the world’s books and newspapers are written in English.English is one of the world’s most important languages,we must learn English well.We can make good use of them to encourage students.By these methods,I believe our students will come to realize the importance of English and have strong wish to learn English.
  1.Albert C Bough & Thomas Cable A History of The English Language New Jersey,1951
  2.陸国强《现代英语词汇学》 上海外语教育出版社,1983
  4.潘少息○.K 探源《外语学刊》,1986.4
【摘 要】探究性学习是《数学课程标准》所提倡的新的教学理念,是科学学习的重要方式,同时又成为课程规定的一项重要的培养目标,需要教师精心创设探究活动才能得以实现,这种学习方式具有探究性、创新性、主体性、交互性、开放性、过程性、综合性及社会性等特征,它强调主动探究,自主学习,解决问题,是一种学习理念、策略和方法。  【关键词】数学课堂教学 探究性学习 策略 方法  随着知识经济时代的到来,全社会对人才
对青少年进行思想道德教育,爱国主义教育,是关系国家未来命运的大事,是学校教育的首要任务。初中历史课是各门学科中最富于民族性,最能启迪民族自尊心、自信心和自豪感,最富于爱国主义思想内容的一门学科。因此,利用历史课,充分发挥历史课堂的主渠道作用,对中学生进行爱国主义教育,是历史教学的重要任务之一。  中学历史教材思想性强,在进行爱国主义教育方面有着独特的优势,是其它学科所难以比拟的。从这个意义上说,中
【摘 要】摩擦力是高中物理一种很常用的力,分为静摩擦力、滑动摩擦力和滚动摩擦力三种,其中滚动摩擦力高中物理中暂不讨论。  【关键词】摩擦力 静摩擦力 最大静摩擦力 滑动摩擦力  研究背景:  摩擦力提供给你前进的加速度,当你启动的时候,你给地面一个推力,然后由于作用力與反作用力,地面给你一个摩擦力,然后你才能前进,所以,摩擦力与你的加速度运动方向一致。传送带靠静摩擦力把货物送到高处。当你匀速行驶的
【摘 要】在初中美术特色教育的过程中,教师不但要在非常有限的时间内完成教学任务,还要发现和培养学生的个性意识和艺术素养。在教学中要以培养学生的初步感受美、欣赏美、表现美的能力为宗旨,在课标的指引下以适应不同的需要,采用不同的教学组织方式,不同的能力评价标准,真正地提高到素质教育的高度。因此,我在课程教学设置安排上采取“全面推进、分类分层次教学”的运行机制。从而对初中美术特长班的教学有了一定的认识和
【摘 要】课堂教学是围绕着完成既定教学目标而在课堂中发生的一种目的、有计划、有组织的师生互动过程。在这个过程中,如果我们的教师能够对课堂环境进行精心的布置,对课堂氛围进行恰当的营造,对教学过程进行有效的控制,对学生参与进行积极的引导,对差异学生进行高度的关注,对教学效果进行准确的评价。那么,我们的课堂教学就会变得高效、快乐和谐。  【关键词】高效课堂 展开幽默的翅膀  高效课堂是一种教学形态,集中
有语文教师向我说中学生不喜欢文言文,理由是时代久远、学了没用、枯燥乏味。问我文言文该怎么教。我的回答是:先把他迷住再说。  “迷”,有多个意思,这里首先是指“醉心于某种事物,发生特殊的爱好”,如“着迷”“入迷”“痴迷”“迷醉”。“迷”住之后,就会产生一种巨大的精神力量,什么费力,什么困难都不在话下了,苦也可能变成了甘。  下面以《〈论语〉十则》为例,说明我怎样“迷”住学生,顺便介绍“大语文”在文言
一、谈话前要有准备  找学生谈话,不能心血来潮,随心所欲,毫无准备。要确实谈话的对象,要真正了解谈话对象。“知彼知已,百战不殆”。谈话前认真做好调研工作,要对谈话对象的思想、心理、问题的原因以及社会、家庭、学习生活环境等,要做到心中有数。根据“一把钥匙开一把锁”的原理,制订谈话方案,选择最好的谈话方法。  二、把握谈话的时机,精心选择谈话的时间、地点及场合  捕捉谈话时机,把握谈话火候,谈话效果将
【摘 要】每个幼儿有自己独特的性格特征和发展轨迹,当他们的行为和规则有冲突的时候,作为教师要善于分析幼儿背后深层的原因,包括家庭教养、幼儿心理发展水平以及行为的指向目标,这样才能更好的促进师生互动,让幼儿得到合理化的健康发展。  【关键词】行为动机性格特征正面语言  每个孩子都有自己明显的性格特征,当他站在你面前的一刹那,也许一个小小的眼神或肢体动作就暴露了他的性格。《3-6岁幼儿学习和发展指南》