总结经验 乘胜前进 开拓农业技术人员继续教育新局面

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云南省人事厅、农业厅和农业干部进修中心按着省委、省政府“科教兴农”的战略精神,根据全省2.6万农业科技人员相当部分知识结构偏低状况,组织了全省范围内的农科人员继续教育函授学习,有组织、有计划、有步骤地对在职人员进行知识更新。通过继续教育,拓宽了知识面,开阔了视野,树立了发展农村经济的新思想、新观念,为农村经济发展起到了促进作用。广大农科人员在学习中,坚持理论联系实际,注重实用、实效,取得了显著成效。云南省农科人员继续教育开展几年来,吸引了万余名活跃在生产第一线的农科人员参加学习,至1994年底统计,参加学习人员达11200余人,学员遍布全省17个地州的118个县、市,现已有9000人取得合格证。组织全省范围内的农科人员结构教育函授学习,云南省开了先例,为全国提供了较为新鲜的继续教育函授学习的经验和方法。为此,本刊专辟版面予以宣传,以飨读者。 Yunnan Provincial Personnel Office, Agricultural Department and Agricultural Cadre Training Center, according to the strategic spirit of “rejuvenating agriculture through science and education” by the provincial party committee and government and according to the relatively low knowledge structure of some 26,000 agricultural scientists and technicians across the province, Of the agricultural staff continue to educate correspondence learning, organize, plan, step by step to update the knowledge of serving staff. Through continuing education, broadening the scope of knowledge, broadening horizons and establishing new ideas and concepts for the development of rural economy have played a catalytic role in the development of rural economy. In the course of their studies, the majority of agricultural personnel insisted on linking theory with practice, paid attention to practicality and effectiveness, and achieved remarkable results. In the past few years, the continual education of agricultural personnel in Yunnan Province has attracted more than 10,000 farmers who are active in the front line of production. By the end of 1994, there were more than 11,600 students and 17 trainees all over the province 118 counties, cities, now 9,000 people have obtained certification. Yunnan Province has set a precedent for organizing education correspondence education for the structure of agricultural personnel within the province and has provided the country with relatively fresh experience and methods of correspondence education for continuing education. To this end, the magazine special section to be publicized in order to readers.
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