
来源 :中国气功 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lihai3120
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中国字气功的“气”字,于1994年12月24日正式进入英语辞典,英国官方出版的《游戏辞典》的编辑部提供的对“气”字的解释是。“发Qi音,意义是生命力。”这本辞典在1995年1月1日发行。辞典编辑格雷姆·托马斯告诉英国《每日电讯报》的记者:“气”字从此不再是一个不可思议的词了。 该词典对“气”字的定义正确与否暂且不论,但此条消息的意义是重大的。 气功在中国已是家喻户晓,在世界的影响也越来越大,随着气功的推广与普及,气功名词的英译也显得更重要了。众所周知,许多汉 The “qi” character of the Chinese character Qigong officially entered the English Dictionary on December 24, 1994. The interpretation of the word “qi” provided by the editorial department of the British “Game Dictionary” was published. “Qi tone, meaning is vitality.” This dictionary was issued on January 1, 1995. The dictionary editor Graeme Thomas told the Daily Telegraph reporter: “Chi” is no longer an incredible word. The definition of the word “qi” in the dictionary is correct, regardless of the time being, but the significance of this message is significant. Qigong has become a household name in China, and its influence in the world is also growing. With the promotion and popularization of Qigong, the English translation of qigong terms is even more important. As we all know, many Han
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