Study: China Risks Leap in Smoking-Related Deaths

来源 :科技英语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuguiyuan2009
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在网上读此消息,心情黯然。隐君子在国人中所占比例可谓高矣!下面这句话值得我们深思: Thus, on present smoking patterns about one third of all the young men inChina will eventually be killed by tobacco。 另外,我觉得下面两句中的斜体字值得学习模仿。 …cigarette smoking in Hong Kong peaked 20 years earlier than in mainland China。 Western cigarette firms are eyeing (注视) the potentially huge Chinesemarket。】 Reading this news on the Internet, I was in a bad mood. Implied gentleman in the proportion of people in the country can be described as high! The following sentences are worthy of our deep thinking: Thus, on present smoking patterns about one third of all the young men in China will eventually be killed by tobacco. In addition, I think the italics in the following two sentences are worth learning to imitate. ...cigarette smoking in Hong Kong peaked 20 years earlier than in mainland China. Western cigarette firms are eyeing the potentially huge Chinese market. 】
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