明确思路 稳步推进企业内部控制标准体系建设

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企业内部控制标准委员会第三次全体会议于5月25日在北京举行。会议充分肯定了企业内部控制规范建设工作取得的阶段性成果,并对委员会近期工作做了统一部署,对企业内部控制规范征求意见稿和若干项具体规范讨论稿进行了深入讨论。企业内部控制标准委员会主席王军、副主席李小雪到会并讲话。会议由财政部会计司司长、企业内邵控制标准委员会秘书长刘玉廷主持。王军指出,企业内部控制标准委员会自成立以来,经过近一年的扎实工作,基本明确了以财务报告真实可靠为主、兼顾其他控制目标的内部控制目标体系;初步构建了以控制规范为基础,以评价规范为配套的内部控制标准体系;着手探索以政府部门为引导、广大企业主动参与的内部控制实施体系。王军强调,内部控制标准体系建设是一项全新的系统工程,必须要充分认识到工作的复杂性和艰巨性,统筹规划,稳中求进。要着力处理好借鉴国际和顺应国情的关系,处理好内控规范与现行监管规则的关系,处理好财务报告内部控制和全面内部控制的关系,确保我 The 3rd Plenary Session of the Standard Committee on Enterprise Internal Control was held on May 25 in Beijing. The meeting fully affirmed the phased achievements made in the construction of the internal control standard of the Company and made unified arrangements for the recent work of the committee and conducted in-depth discussions on the draft for soliciting internal control standards and several specific normative discussion papers. Wang Jun, Chairman of Enterprise Internal Control Standards Committee, and Vice Chairman Li Xiaoxue attended the meeting and made speeches. The meeting was chaired by Liu Yuting, director of the accounting department of the Ministry of Finance and secretary general of Shao Control Standard Committee of the enterprise. Wang Jun pointed out that since the establishment of its internal control standards committee, after nearly a year of solid work, it has basically clarified the objective system of internal control that focuses on the true and reliable financial reports and takes into account other control objectives. It has initially established a system based on the control norms , To evaluate the norms as a supporting system of internal control standards; proceed with the exploration of government departments as the guide, the majority of enterprises take the initiative to participate in the implementation of the system of internal control. Wang Jun stressed that the building of an internal control standard system is a brand new systematic project. We must fully recognize the complexity and arduousness of work, make overall planning and make progress while maintaining a stable standard. Efforts should be made to properly handle the relationship between drawing on international experience and adapting to national conditions so as to properly handle the relationship between the internal control norms and the current regulatory rules and handle the relationship between internal control of financial reporting and overall internal control to ensure that I
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