Chinese Students Display Crazy Skill

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  There were many talented young students at the World Inter School Rope Skipping Championships held in Dubai in November 2015. However, none was as surprising as 11-year-old Cen Xiaolin, who skipped 108 times in 30 seconds. And that is just the count of his right leg jumping over the rope because that is what the judges use for the score. All in all, the young boy managed to skip 216 times during the short period.
  Xiaolin was so fast that to get the right number, the judges had to replay the video of his record-breaking performance several times in slow motion. If that is not surprising enough, a short time later, he broke a second world record by skipping 548 times in three minutes!
  The fifth-grader attends Seven Star Primary School in a countryside village in Guandong in South China. The school considers skipping a serious sport and asks all students to practice it for 1.5 hours daily. It is therefore not surprising to hear that of the 28 medals for grabs, 27 were won by students from this unbelievable primary school. The team also won the overall group championship.
  skipping n. 跳绳
  championship n. 锦标赛
  grab n. 抓具
  (What in the passage tells you that the rest of his team did a great job in the competition as well?)
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参与人数:10人一组。  时间:5—10分钟。  道具:无。  场地:空地。  目的:1.培养团队的协调能力和合作精神;  2.培养大家的集体创作意识和联想能力。  1.将全体成员分成10人一组。  2.组织者给大家下达口令。首先每组全体成员应该鼎力合作,通过人体组合搭建出一条小甲壳虫模样来。这条“虫子”必须有四条腿在地上,所有的人必须连为一体组成这一条“虫子”。宣布开始后,看看哪一组完成得最快。
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