About school life in England (1)

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  1. At what age do children start school in England?(几岁上学)
  The statutory school age in England and Wales is from 5 to 16 years.
  English children enter the reception class (first grade) of primary school in the first term after their fifth birthday. They attend primary school for seven years. Children also learn French from the age of 7 at some schools.
  2. What subjects do you learn?(学什么科目)
  Subjects studied in Key Stage 2 (5 -11 year olds)
  English, Mathematics, Science, Information Technology (Computers), Religious Education (RE), Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music and Physical Education (PE).
  The National Curriculum at Key Stage 3 includes English, Mathematics, Science, Design and Technology, IT, History, Geography, Modern Foreign Languages, Art, Music and PE. In addition to the National Curriculum, RE is also taught and, for secondary pupils, Sex Education.
  At Key Stage 4 students have to study English, Mathematics, Science, Design and Technology, a Modern Foreign Language, IT and PE. RE and Sex Education are also taught, although parents can choose not to let their child study these subjects.
  3. What different types of schools do you have in England?(学校类型)
  There are schools run by the Government. These schools are known as State Schools and parents do not pay. They are financed by public funds, which means that the money comes from the national and local taxes. Ninety percent of children in England and Wales attend a state school.
  There are also private schools. Parents pay for their children to attend these schools. They are known as Independent Schools.
  Primary schools (5 - 11 year olds)
  In the UK, the first level of education is known as primary education.
  Secondary schools (5 - 16 year olds)
  Secondary schools provide compulsory education for children between the ages of eleven and sixteen in England and Wales. Children may stay on at school until the age of eighteen in order to pursue further studies, however this is not compulsory.
  From the ages of fourteen to sixteen, pupils study for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE).
  Pupils who stay on at school from the ages of sixteen to eighteen in England, may take the Advanced (A) level examination, which traditionally is required for entry into higher education.
  *Key stage 1 includes pupils who are in Year 1 and Year 2 plus the pupils who are in the reception class who have reached compulsory school age.(To be continued)
  statutory adj.法定的
  compulsory adj.义务的
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参与人数:10人一组。  时间:5—10分钟。  道具:无。  场地:空地。  目的:1.培养团队的协调能力和合作精神;  2.培养大家的集体创作意识和联想能力。  1.将全体成员分成10人一组。  2.组织者给大家下达口令。首先每组全体成员应该鼎力合作,通过人体组合搭建出一条小甲壳虫模样来。这条“虫子”必须有四条腿在地上,所有的人必须连为一体组成这一条“虫子”。宣布开始后,看看哪一组完成得最快。