
来源 :海洋环境科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangshuhui1983
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为了评价滩涂养殖区贝类体内重金属Pb的污染情况,并追溯贝类体内Pb的可能来源,本研究选取黄海北部的大连金石滩、大李家和皮口3个典型滩涂养殖区为监测点,以滩涂养殖区内的菲律宾蛤仔为周年监测对象,并采用稳定同位素示踪技术追溯菲律宾蛤仔体内Pb的可能来源。研究结果表明,大连典型滩涂养殖区海水中Pb的周年监测结果均优于国家二类海水水质标准,表层沉积物中Pb的潜在生态风险性属于轻微生态危害程度,菲律宾蛤仔体内Pb的含量周年内均小于无公害水产品的限量标准。同时,菲律宾蛤仔体内Pb稳定同位素206Pb/207Pb值与表层沉积物的比值相接近,表明菲律宾蛤仔体内Pb可能主要来源于表层沉积物。 In order to evaluate the pollution of heavy metal Pb in shellfish in the tidal flat culture area and to trace the possible sources of Pb in the shellfish, three typical tidal flat culture areas of Dalian Jinshitan, Da Lijia and PiKou were selected as the monitoring points in this study. The object of annual monitoring was Ruditapes philippinarum in the tidal flat culture area, and the stable source of Pb in Ruditapes philippinarum was traced using stable isotope tracing technique. The results showed that the annual monitoring results of Pb in seawater of typical tidal flat culture area in Dalian are superior to the national second-class seawater quality standards. The potential ecological risk of Pb in surface sediments belongs to minor ecological risk. The content of Pb in the body of Ruditapes philippinarum Are less than the limited standards of pollution-free aquatic products. At the same time, the Pb stable isotope 206Pb / 207Pb value in the body of Ruditapes philippinarum close to the surface sediment, indicating that Pb in Ruditapes philippinarum probably originated mainly from surface sediments.
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我队自1976年以来,连续4年进行杂交水稻的高产栽培。1976年1亩南优2号单产达1529.3斤,1977年3.9亩南优2号单产1488斤,1978年2亩南优2号单产达1471.5斤。 Our team has been