
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oupser123
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1997年以来,根据公安部的统一部署,县市区公安机关普遍建立了覆盖社会面的责任区刑警中队,但由于改革措施还不配套、不完善,在推进责任区刑警中队规范化建设过程中遇到了许多新问题、新情况。一认识不到位,措施不得力,阻碍了责任区刑警中队规范化建设的进程在改革过程中,有些公安机关的领导和民警对建立责任区刑警中队,落实侦查破案责任制为主要内容的刑侦工作改革的重要性、紧迫性认识不足,持观望态度;有的虽然认识到改革的方向是正确的,但觉得人、财、物难以解决,存在畏难情绪;有的则受“一改就灵”倾向的影响,对改革中出现的困难和问题估计不足,遇到困难就认为还是旧体制好,匆忙走回头路。有的虽在城区、城关和重要集镇建立了责任区刑警中队,但没有按要求建立办公场所 Since 1997, according to the unified deployment of the Ministry of Public Security, public security organs in counties and cities have established criminal police squadrons covering the entire social area. However, since the reform measures are not yet complete and imperfect, in the process of promoting the standardization of criminal squadrons in the area of ​​responsibility To many new issues, new situations. In the course of reform, some leaders of the public security organs and the police rectified the criminal investigation work which mainly focused on establishing the criminal squadron in the area of ​​responsibility and implementing the responsibility system of investigating and solving crimes in the course of the reform. However, However, some people think that the direction of reform is correct, but they feel that people, money and property are difficult to solve and there is fear and emotion while others are subject to the tendency of “changing their spirit once and for all” The impact of the reform on the difficulties and problems underestimated, in the face of difficulties or the old system is good, hastily backtrack. Although some in the city, Chengguan and important towns set up a responsibility area Interpol squadron, but did not require the establishment of office space
[摘要]数学被古希腊哲人看做是宇宙的法则,是人类掌握世界的金钥匙。可见,数学作为一种工具,在几乎所有科学门类中都占有重要的地位。对于数学的教学,仅仅让学生被动地了解一些知识,机械地套用一些公式,是绝对不够的,必须使学生进入积极主动的状态,走向自主学习的道路。为此,笔者总结了几点引导学生自主学习数学的经验。  [关键词]自主学习 能力  [中图分类号]G623.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]10
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元 末明初的戏曲“四大本”———柯丹丘的《荆钗记》、失名的《白兔记》、关汉卿的《拜月记》与萧德祥的《杀狗记》 ,逐渐地老化了。清末民初川剧的传世作———赵 (熙 )本