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入世在即 ,我国保险业要在竞争中占据优势就必须加速经营机制和用人机制的改革创新 ,在选人上宁缺勿滥 ,用人各尽其才 ,做好精确的岗位描述和职位预测 ,组建招募人才快速反应小组 ,建立任前公示制 ,设立后备人才库 ,重用“顶尖”人才 ,优待专业骨干 ,发展员工职业生涯 ,稳定人才队伍 ,建立累积性福利待遇制 ,使公司员工尽其所能为公司作出最大贡献 ,从而发展壮大我国保险业。 China’s accession to the WTO means that in order to take advantage of the competition, China’s insurance industry must speed up reforms and innovations in its management mechanism and employment mechanism. It is essential that the insurance industry not only abuse its talents but also provide accurate job descriptions and job position forecasts so as to establish rapidly recruiting talents Response team, the establishment of pre-appointment publicity system, the establishment of reserve personnel pool, re-use the “top” talent, treatment of professional backbone, career development staff, stability of the contingent of personnel, the establishment of a cumulative welfare system so that employees do their best for the company to make The greatest contribution to the development and expansion of China’s insurance industry.
陕北佳县出了一位闻名全国的民间剪纸艺术巧老太,她就是63岁的郭佩珍。 这位不识一字的老太太,却对民间剪纸艺术有着极高的造诣。受母亲影响,从8岁开始她就开始剪窗花、捏泥
允许民间资本进入政府投资项目、打破行业垄断、全面推进服务业对外开放…… Allowing private capital to enter government investment projects, breaking the monopoly
与你的距离 “3G,关我何事?”当我们急匆匆从地铁口冲出,奔向工作的地方,眼角滑过充斥海报封面的“3G”字样时,它离我们如此之近,又是如此之远。 “3G,关我何事?”当我们悠