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教育部委托上海市教育局和专业工作者编写的幼儿园教材(教师用书),包括体育,语言、常识、计算、音乐(小、中、大班各一册)、美术和游戏共七种九册,已由人民教育出版社陆续出版。这套教材是以《幼儿园教育纲要》(试行草案)为依据编写的,是建国以来第一次编写的幼儿园通用教材。它的出版,对于进一步贯彻《纲要》,提高幼儿教育质量,必将产生积极的影响。由于幼儿教育事业的迅速发展,有许多新教师缺乏幼教专业知识和实际工作经验。不少读者来信(特别是一些农村幼儿教师和县幼教辅导员),要求本刊对怎样使用幼儿园通用教材作一些介绍,特别要求介绍如何运用教材安排好学期教学计划,各科的教案等,为此,我们从本期起开设《怎样使用幼儿园通用教材》这一专栏。这一期请赵赫、卢学蕙等同志,写了有关《语言》的教学安排和教案,以供教师备课参考。制订教学计划,编写教案,最重要的是要遵循《纲要》规定,理解教材内容,了解教育对象。我们国家大,各地情况有所不同,城乡幼儿受教育的情况也不一样,通用教材的数量也多于《纲要》的规定,各地教师要根据实际情况适当改编或灵活选用,要注意补充各地自编的更适合当地情况的教材。随着通用教材的陆续出版,我们将继续刊登其他各科教学的计划和教案,同时,也将介绍各地使用通用教材的经验体会,希望广大读者来稿、来信,共同努力把这个专栏办好。 The kindergarten teaching materials (teacher’s book) written by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Education and professional workers are entrusted by the Ministry of Education, including seven kinds of nine volumes including sports, language, common sense, calculation, music (one each for small, medium and large classes), arts and games, People’s Education Publishing House has been published. This set of textbooks is based on “Kindergarten Education Program” (draft) as the basis for the preparation, is the first time since the founding of the kindergarten universal textbooks. Its publication will certainly have a positive impact on further implementing the “Outline” and improving the quality of early childhood education. Due to the rapid development of early childhood education, many new teachers lack early childhood expertise and practical work experience. Many readers’ letters (especially some kindergarten teachers in rural areas and preschool counselors in counties) request that this magazine give some introduction on how to use kindergarten general teaching materials, and especially require that teaching materials be used to arrange semester teaching plans and teaching plans of all subjects In this issue, we have opened the column “How to Use Kindergarten General Textbook” from this issue. This period please Zhao He, Lu Xuehui and other comrades, wrote a “language” teaching arrangements and lesson plans for teachers preparing lessons for reference. The most important thing is to follow the outline of the “outline”, to understand the contents of the teaching materials and to understand the objects of education. Our country is big and the situation is different everywhere. The situation of children’s education in urban and rural areas is also different. The number of general teaching materials is also more than that stipulated in the “Outline.” All local teachers should be appropriately adapted or flexibly selected according to the actual situation. Compiled more suitable for local teaching materials. With the gradual publication of the General Textbooks, we will continue to publish the plans and lesson plans for other subjects. At the same time, we will also introduce the experience gained through the use of common textbooks in various places. We hope that all readers will contribute their contributions and write letters and work together to make this a success.
幼儿视力下降的原因我认为有以下几方面: 1.过多和长时间近距离看电视。幼儿眼球前后距径短,适合看远处的物体。但由于幼儿眼内晶状体较大,又富有弹性,具有较强的调节能 I t
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只有少数地方实施“2.5天休假”制度,其实也代表了一种真实的政策回应,这理应得到尊重,而不能由此得出必须搞强制执行的结论。  近日,湖北省出台《关于进一步促进旅游投资和消费的实施意见》,鼓励有条件的地方和单位实行“2.5天休假”制度。至此,全国至少已有11个省份出台了鼓励每周休假2.5天的意见。消息一出,再次引发各界对“2.5天休假”的关注和热议。新的休假模式究竟是真休假还是只是“挪假”?政策落实