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众所周知,Web服务可以说是现代技术条件支持下,新一代分布式集成技术中的典型技术之一。Web服务提供了建立在因特网互连基础之上的优秀应用通信以及集成服务。在应用与管理信息系统集成处理的过程当中,具有极为突出的优势与价值。本文依据这一实际情况,建立在Web服务的基础之上,对整个管理信息系统的集成技术及其相关技术应用要点展开了较为详细的分析与研究,希望能够通过对以上问题的研究,进一步促进管理信息系统集成化发展水平,会议纪要相关技术的综合运用,望引起各方工作人员的特别关注重视。 As we all know, Web services can be said to be one of the typical technologies in the new generation of distributed integration technology supported by modern technical conditions. Web Services provides excellent application communication and integration services built on Internet interconnects. In the application and management information system integration process, which has a very prominent advantages and values. Based on the actual situation, this article builds on the foundation of Web Services, analyzes and studies the integrated technology of the whole management information system and the application of related technologies in detail, and hopes to further promote the above problems The integrated development of management information system and the comprehensive utilization of related technologies in meeting minutes hope to attract the special attention of all staff.
In the nervous system, neurons contact each other to form neuronal circuits and drive behavior, relying heavily on synaptic connections. The proper development
Objective To construct prokaryotic expression vector of CFP-10 gene,and obtain recombinant protein,and the recombinant CFP-10 protein was taken as stimulus to d
笔者在浙江图书馆所藏明崇祯刻本《寓山志》中,看到了朱颖辉辑校《孟称舜集》(中华书局,2005年)失收的文章《寓山解》和《〈寓山后评〉评》,现辑录如下,并予简要说明: In th
一些运行在Nginx上的网站有时候会出现“502 Bad Gateway”错误,有些时候甚至频繁的出现。以下是小编搜集整理的一些Nginx 502错误的排查方法,供参考:Nginx 502错误的原因比
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