
来源 :河南社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong573
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洛阳市瀍河回族区近年来抓思想政治工作促社区建设,社区建设成效显著,被授予 全省“社区建设示范区”的称号。他们坚持“两手抓,两手都要硬”的方针,把社区思想政 治工作作为社区建设的“生命线”,把社区思想政治工作与民族团结工作有机地结合起来, 把解决群众的思想问题与解决实际问题结合起来,把开展群众性的精神文明建设活动和社区 文化活动结合起来,有力地推进了经济发展和社会进步,为开展社区思想政治工作提供了新 鲜经验,进行了有益探索。 In recent years, Luoyang Huihe Hui Autonomous Region has been focusing on ideological and political work to promote community building and achieved remarkable results in community construction. It was awarded the title of “Community Construction Demonstration Zone” in the province. They adhere to the principle of “grasping both hands and both hands hard”, taking the community’s ideological and political work as the “lifeline” for community building, organically integrating the ideological and political work in the community and the work of national unity, and resolving the ideological and political problems in solving the problems of the masses Combining these problems, the combination of carrying out mass spiritual civilization construction activities and community cultural activities has effectively promoted economic development and social progress, provided fresh experiences in community ideological and political work, and conducted useful explorations.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。民国时期课程纲要介绍(四) 影响中国20世纪的语文课程纲要@江明 Please download and view, this article does not support o
有教师向我反映一个问题:一部分学生写作文不真实具体,常常是胡编乱造的。教师指出学生存在写作的毛病时,有的学生却说:“小说、电影、电视中的人物和故事情节大多 Some te
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全国第一起利用电脑侵吞公款特大经济罪案犯方勇,纵然逃至天涯海角,也难以逃脱恢恢法网。 The country’s first large-scale economic crime embezzlement of public funds