
来源 :电炉 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fymps
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前言 在液压旋转式电炉的设计中,需要解决有关炉顶的两个动态稳定性问题。这两个动态稳定性问题能否元满解决,乃是关系到液压旋转式电炉成败的关键。 一、炉顶顶升过程中的动态稳定性 为了便于进行机械化顶装炉料的操作,炉顶在装料前需要旋开,以便暴露出整个炉膛。考虑到炉顶的弹性变形和炉身端面的摩擦阻力、障碍物等,在炉顶旋转前,需要先将整个炉顶升离炉身端面一定高度。对于10T以下中、小电炉,其垂直上升和旋转的运动均可由同时具有直槽和螺旋槽的单缸油顶来完成,其外观见图1。对于较大电炉,一般其垂直上升和旋转的运动则分别由两个互相垂直配置的组合 Preface In the design of hydraulic rotary electric furnaces, there are two dynamic stability issues that need to be addressed regarding the roof. Whether these two dynamic stability problems can be solved fully is the key to the success or failure of the hydraulic rotary electric furnace. First, the roof during the dynamic stability of jacking In order to facilitate the mechanization of the top charging operation, the top of the roof need to be unscrewed prior to loading in order to expose the entire furnace. Taking into account the top of the elastic deformation of the furnace body and the end face of the frictional resistance, obstacles, etc., before the top of the rotation, you need to lift the entire roof from the shaft end of a certain height. For less than 10T, small electric furnace, the vertical rise and rotation of the movement can be both straight groove and spiral groove of the cylinder cylinder to complete the oil, the appearance of Figure 1. For larger electric furnace, the general movement of its vertical rise and rotation are respectively composed of two mutually perpendicular configuration
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