
来源 :历史教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bluebirdmengmeng
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通过党的八屆八中全会文件的学习之后,在党和行政的领导下,我校历史组的同志們的干劲鼓得更足,在教学中进一步地贯彻了党的教育方針,在提高教师的政治觉悟、业务能力和提高教学质量诸方面,都有着显著的进步。在这个学习和改进教学的过程中,我們深刻地体会到,加强对目前形势和党的政策的学习是推动我们各方面不断前进的重要关键,馬克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想是指导我們历史教学工作和肃清资产阶級教学思想与唯心史观影响的最有力的思想武器,在教学中贯彻群众路綫、大搞群众运动以及不断总結交流经驗是保証完成教学任务的重要手段。現把我们这一时期教研組的活 Through the study of the papers of the 8th Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of the Party and the administration, the comrades in the history group of our university have even more energetically encouraged themselves and further implemented the party’s education policy in teaching, Political consciousness, business ability and improve the quality of teaching in all aspects, have made significant progress. In this course of study and improvement of teaching, we have profoundly realized that the study of the current situation and the party’s policies is an important part of pushing forward all aspects of our continuous progress. Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought are guiding our work in history teaching and The most powerful ideological weapon to eliminate the bourgeois teaching thought and the idealistic ideal of history is to implement the mass line in teaching, to carry out mass movements and to constantly sum up the exchange of experiences is an important means to ensure the completion of teaching tasks. Let us now live teaching and research group during this period
本文摘自中国访阿教育代表团《关于阿尔巴尼亚教育事业的考察报告》。发表出来,供研究参考。 This article is taken from an educational delegation to China visiting Af
苏教版小学数学第一册在复习完10以内的加减法这一单元后的一道练习:先填数,再照样子画一画。4+()=7 5+()=9()+3=8 2+()=10一开始我基于学生认字不多的情况进行审题辅导。由
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