Role of endoscopic ultrasound during hospitalization for acute pancreatitis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:brqc
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Endoscopic ultrasound(EUS)is often used to detect the cause of acute pancreatitis(AP)after the acute attack has subsided.The limited data on its role during hospitalization for AP are reviewed here.The ability of EUS to visualize the pancreas and bile duct,the sonographic appearance of the pancreas,correlation of such appearance to clinical outcomes and the impact on AP management are analyzed from studies.The most important indication for EUS appears to be for detection of suspected common bile duct and/or gall bladder stones and microlithiasis.Such an approach might avoid diagnostic endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography with its known complications.The use of EUS during hospitalization for AP still appears to be infrequent but may become more frequent in future. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is often used to detect the cause of acute pancreatitis (AP) after the acute attack has subsided. The limited data on its role during hospitalization for AP are reviewed. And the ability of EUS to visualize the pancreas and bile duct , the sonographic appearance of the pancreas, correlation of such appearance to clinical outcomes and the impact on AP management are analyzed from studies. most important indication for EUS appear to be for detection of suspected common bile duct and / or gall bladder stones and microlithiasis .Such an approach might avoid diagnostic endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography with its known complications. The use of EUS during hospitalization for AP still appears to be infrequent but may become more frequent in the future.
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