Tips on Overseas Study

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  Purpose: To assist students more familiar with closer-related oral English in real daily life.
  To remind students with safety instructions, study tips, interpersonal communication.
  All is to make students more ready for coming difference and difficult overseas life.
  Key Words: closer-related, safety, study, communication
  【中圖分类号】 G610 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 2236-1879(2018)15-0201-01
  In the process of teaching English, it is found out that most students are not capable of dealing with daily life English when going abroad ,for what they have learned is not closely related to local daily life and when they come to real situations and problems, they are shocked and don’t know to use English as a useful tool. The accumulating obstructions have been piling up and may destroy their wills and lives to avoid these depressing things happen, we English teachers should make our efforts to assist them accustomed to local life.
  Daily life English
  The first problem is for living. A student has to know well about rental words, the names of appliances. For example,
  Types of residence:
  A room in a house. But shares kitchen and bathroom. Cheap, but not convenient.
  An apartment. Single kitchen and bathroom. Rent more expensive and convenient.
  A condo (with air-conditioner, swimming pool and gym in the building. Much more expensive and comfortable
  Tips: The most important factor is safety. Where you live should be a peaceful and friendly community with direct bus line to university. Higher rent commonly means good community.
  Shopping and Dining Out
  The most often visited place is supermarket in daily life, where you can buy what you eat and drink, and daily necessaries, paying attention to the price tag for vegetables and fruits are sold for each or pound, which is different from China.
  “For here or to go?” is the question you will hear in any fast-food restaurant there is no tips in such place. You have to take your food to the seat and clean your own mess after eating. While when you go to a better restaurant with the service of a waitress or waiter, you have to pay the bills with tips, which is approximately from minimum 10% to higher of the money you spent totally.
  Taking a bus is the key way for daily commute. So, monthly pass is necessary for a student. Remember, to request a stop before your destination. Pull the yellow line or push the red button for a next stop.   Travelling is not very expensive in developed countries. If you go with a tourist group, remember to pay the tips to the guide every day. And remember to take the slippers, toothbrush, tooth-paste, towel with you for they are not prepared in hotels for green purpos
  Study Tips
  Be cautious that it is very tough to study in the universities abroad. One is the language barrier. Understanding the English lectures with large major vocabulary and writing essays in English are not easy for overseas students. The other one is the completely different system from that of China. If your grade average scores lower than the requirement in the faculty you will be expelled from the school. But in exchange you will have the freedom to change your major to whatever you wish. As long as your grade average meets the minimum requirements of you aimed. The sooner you make the decision, the better situation you will be. Also, always remember to check the important dates and deadlines with your school or your faculty. Normally in the first month, you can change as much course as you want without getting charges or drop out of the course and get a full refund for you payment.
  Making Friends and Self Expression
  For overseas students, it is often difficult to make friends with local students due to different cultural and educational background. You can find it hard to start a conversation or join into a topic that everyone else to discussing.. But keep the principle of being polite and respectful to others. Do not be too shy and timid to show your appreciation, your regret and your love towards your friends. Or you will be expressed as rude and weird. Don’t be surprised that none of your new friends here will guess what your desire is, or what problems you have. So remember to show yourself and be frank and honest enough. Independence is the key factor to adjust yourself to overseas life and make everything go smoothly and happily. The last one is always being ready to help friends or strangers who are in great need which is a commonly recognized value in local people.
摘 要: 协庄煤矿为提高坚硬厚夹矸复合煤层工作面单产,开展了坚硬厚夹矸复合煤层安全高效开采关键技术研究,首先调研国内外同类煤层开采情况,确定了合理的采煤方法及开采工艺。针对确定的开采工艺将设备进行改造升级,提高三机对现场應的适性,使其发挥最大效能,同时对工作面通风方式、综合防尘体系的建立进行了研究,创造了较大的经济效益和社会效益。  关键词: 坚硬;厚夹矸;复合煤层;安全高效;关键技术  【中图分
摘 要: 油田生产过程中,油井产物为油气水三相的混合物,经过三相分离处理,将原油中的游离水和乳化水脱除,达到外输原油的质量标准后,进行外输,完成油田生产任务。对原油脱水工艺技术进行研究,采取最优化的处理方式,提高原油脱水的效果,满足油田节能降耗的技术要求。  关键词: 油田;原油脱水;工艺技术  【中图分类号】 TE825 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 2236-1879(2018)15-021
摘 要: 随着科技的不断发展,电子设备变得更加高效、稳定、集成度高,热应力对封装电子产品的可靠性影响越来越大。本文通过改变凸点的直径、高度,试图找到它们的变化对封装热应力的影响。通过改变不同的凸点尺寸,分别建立对应的封装模型并进行仿真模拟,得出选用不同凸点直径时芯片low-k层受到的热应力。  关键词: 热应力;凸点;直径;高度  【中图分类号】 TN305.9 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 2
摘 要: 新型采油厂建设需要良好的政治生态环境,发挥好“两委”作用,加强党风廉洁建设,为建设油公司新型采油厂提供坚强保障。  关键词: “两委”;作用;新型采油厂  【中图分类号】 D267.1 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 2236-1879(2018)15-0217-01  新时期如何发挥好“两委”(“两委”是指厂纪委委员和基层党支部纪检委员)作用,不断加强党风廉洁建设工作,营造良好政治生态
摘 要: 现如今时代在不断发展,石油企业也有了巨大的发展,而石油企业对内部的档案管理工作也有了更高的要求。石油企业的档案管理工作关系着石油企业的发展,所以在企业管理工作进程中,首要任务就是与时俱进的转变石油企业的档案管理模式,提高档案的利用率。而石油企业为了能够将有价值的实物档案进行有效的存放管理,就必须要改进实物档案的存放管理方法,实现实物档案管理的现代化进程。本文针对石油企业档案进行电子化管理
摘 要: 本文介绍了基于DC-DC模块并联的分布式供电系统,根据主从均流法和强迫均流原理,设计了由两个电源模块并联组成的供电系统,改善了传统开关电源模块化、单一化、低功率的缺陷,提高了供电系统的规范性和可靠性,同时利用同步整流技术,提高供电效率,比较了两种均流方法的效率及稳定性,为未来开关电源设计提供了新的思路和方法。  关键词: 分布式供电;并联均流;开关电源设计;  【中图分类号】 TM46
摘 要: 分析现有煤矿巷道掘进、修复施工类设备行走机构的工作特点,研究开发一种适应多功能工具部的煤矿用巷道修复机行走机构,满足修复机快速调车、大力铲装推进、大坡度行驶工作、底盘空间狭小、结构紧凑、底部具备运输通道等具体工况要求。  关键词: 修复机;行走机构;多功能;驱动装置  【中图分类号】 TD521 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 2236-1879(2018)15-0222-01  一、巷
摘 要: 总结我县烤烟的优质栽培技术,主要包括烤烟的生长条件、栽培管理、病虫防治等内容。  关键词: 会东县;烤烟;栽培技术  【中图分类号】 S572 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 2236-1879(2018)15-0219-01  凉山州会东县具有得天独厚的土壤、气候条件,盛产独具“清甜香”风格特色的优质烟叶。烟叶外观金黄、光泽鲜明,组织疏松,油份适中,化学成分协调,配伍性强,安全性较好。
摘 要: 化肥、农药作为重要的农业生产资料,其在农业生产中的推广和应用,对于粮食作物产量和质量的提升具有极为重要的意义。然而,随着我国主要农作物化肥、农药等使用量的增加,不仅导致农业生产成本出现了大幅上升的现象,而且也造成了严重的环境污染问题。本文主要是就推进化肥农药减量、促进农业绿色发展进行了简单的阐述和分析。  关键词: 化肥农药;使用量;零增长;措施  【中图分类号】 F327 【文献标识码
摘 要: 无人机近年来在政策、应用需求和技术这三大主要驱动力作用下,在物流产业所起到的独特作用推动了此行业的发展,不过其技术尚需成熟、政策还需完善,存在较多的局限性,本文从无人机配送的优势、所存在的问题及其前景几个方面展开分析,以明确当今无人机发展所存在的利弊及其未来发展前景。  关键词: 无人机;物流产业;现今趋势;前景分析  【中图分类号】 C931.9 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 223