Empirical study on the antecedents of multinational enterprises’ oversea subsidiaries staffing

来源 :Journal of Chongqing University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saif108
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Based on probing into the literature on multinational enterprise (MNE) staffing, we set up a concept model for MNEs’ subsidiary staffing by two groups of influencing factors: the national differences bwteen the parent country and the host country, and the strategies employed by MNEs. We also tested the model and proposed propositions by a sample evaluation method, specifically with 1 000 copies of questionnaires given out to managers or directors of MNEs’ subsidiaries in China Mainland and resulting in 151 sets of valid answers. The empirical study supports that national differences between the parent country and the host country and the strategies employed by MNEs do have impact on the subsidiary staffing, and MNE headquarters should make different staffing plans according to the difference of nations and strategies. We welcome testing our model by peer researchers in other country. Based on probing into the literature on multinational enterprise (MNE) staffing, we set up a concept model for MNEs’ subsidiary staffing by two groups of influencing factors: the national differences bwteen the parent country and the host country, and the strategies employed by MNEs We also tested the model and proposed propositions by a sample evaluation method, specifically with 1,000 copies of questionnaires given out to managers or directors of MNEs’ subsidiaries in China Mainland and resulting in 151 sets of valid answers. The empirical study supports that national differences between the parent country and the host country and the strategies employed by MNEs do have impact on the subsidiary staffing, and MNE headquarters should make different staffing plans according to the difference of nations and strategies. We welcome testing our model by peer researchers in other country.
今年5月24日至29日,由省墙改办组织锦州、辽阳、葫芦岛等市墙改办主任组成考察小组,赴国家墙改工作的试点城市——成都考察。现将考察情况报告如下: 一、成都市墙改的发展概