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从技术功能上看,智能模糊全自动洗衣机分为两种:智能型全自动洗衣机和智能模糊型全自动洗衣机。这两种机器从标志上即可区别,智能型全自动洗衣机在操作面板上标有“FUZZY”字样,即人们常说的半模糊。目前,此种机型我国只有少数几家厂家批量生产。而智能模糊全自动洗衣机操作面板上,标有国际权威机构认可的人工智能模糊控制“Neuro &FUZZY”标志,即人们常说的全模糊。目前国内这种与世界技术接轨的生产企业也较少。因此,在选择模糊洗衣机时,您一定要比较鉴别,然后再作决断。 From a technical point of view, intelligent fuzzy automatic washing machine is divided into two types: intelligent automatic washing machine and intelligent fuzzy automatic washing machine. These two machines can be distinguished from the logo, intelligent automatic washing machine in the operation panel marked “FUZZY” words, people often say that the semi-fuzzy. At present, only a few manufacturers of such models in China’s mass production. The smart fuzzy automatic washing machine control panel, marked with the approval of the international authority of artificial intelligence fuzzy control “Neuro & FUZZY” logo, people often say that the whole fuzzy. At present, there are fewer manufacturing enterprises in China that are in line with the world’s technological standards. Therefore, in the choice of fuzzy washing machine, you must be more identified, and then make a decision.
湖南城步苗族自治县的苗族同胞特别嗜好“油茶”。他们每天要吃一次,多的要吃三四次,即饭前各吃一次,睡觉前还要再吃一次。有的吃“油茶”已成了瘾,一天不吃就头痛。 “姜牙
It is easy to pick up something we like in market but it is not so easy to put things together to achieve harmony in interior design. Fabrizio and Lori set up a
核桃仁炖蚕蛹,为民间流传的“食疗滋补珍品”。用100克核桃仁和150克鲜蚕蛹加水炖服,每天一剂,连服20天,能得奇效。核桃仁炖蚕蛹,含有矿物质和维生素 A、B、C、E 及蛋白质、
铬鞣猪正面服装革 革面粗糙,毛孔清晰,呈三角形排列,光泽调和有顶光。颜色:均匀,涂饰层粘着牢固,无脱色、裂浆现象。革身:平整,厚薄均匀,光滑而柔润,丰满而有适当弹性。革里:
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制作泡菜的工具是一种特制的泡菜坛子,这种坛子,口似托盘,有槽,用以装水,使其覆盖后,以水隔绝坛内外的空气。盛上水 The kimchi making tool is a special kimchi jar, thi