Geo-engineered buffer capacity of two-layered absorbing system under the impact of rock avalanches b

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boypoe
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Many rock avalanches were triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12,2008 in southwest China.Protection galleries covered with a single soil layer are usually used to protect against rockfall.Since one-layer protection galleries do not have sufficient buffer capacity,a two-layered absorbing system has been designed.This study aims to find whether an expanded poly-styrol(EPS) cushion,which is used in the soil-covered protection galleries for shock absorption,could be positioned under dynamic loadings.The dynamic impacts of the two-layered absorbing system under the conditions ofrock avalanches are numerically simulated through a 2D discrete element method.By selecting reasonable parameters,a series of numerical experiments were conducted to find the best combination for the twolayered absorbing system.The values of the EPS layer area as a percentage of the total area were set as 0%(S1),22%(S2),and 70%(S3).22% of the area of the EPS layer was found to be a reasonable value,and experiments were conducted to find the best position of the EPS layer in the two-layered absorbing system.The numerical results yield useful conclusions regarding the interaction between the impacting avalanches and the two-layered absorbing system.The soil layer can absorb the shock energy effectively and S2(0.4-m thick EPS cushion covered with soillayer) is the most efficient combination,which can reduce the impact force,compared with the other combinations. Many rock avalanches were triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008 in southwest China. Protective galleries covered with a single soil layer are usually used to protect against rockfall. One-layer protection galleries do not have sufficient buffer capacity, a two- layered absorbing system has been designed. This study aims to find whether an expanded poly-styrol (EPS) cushion, which is used in the soil-covered protection galleries for shock absorption, could be positioned under dynamic loadings. -layered absorbing system under the conditions of rock avalanches are numerically simulated through a 2D discrete element method. By selecting reasonable parameters, a series of numerical experiments were conducted to find the best combination for the twolayered absorbing system. values ​​of the EPS layer area as a percentage of the total area were set as 0% (S1), 22% (S2), and 70% (S3) .22% of the area of ​​the EPS layer was found to be a reasonable value, and experi ments were conducted to find the best position of the EPS layer in the two-layered absorbing system. The numerical results yield useful conclusions regarding the interaction between the impacting avalanches and the two-layered absorbing system. and S2 (0.4-m thick EPS cushion covered with soillayer) is the most efficient combination, which can reduce the impact force, compared with the other combinations.
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【目的】探讨麝香组分体外诱导成年大鼠骨髓间质干细胞 (adultratbonemarrowmesenchymalstemcells,rBMM SCs)定向分化为神经元样细胞的能力。【方法】分别采用含麝香多肽或麝
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以中国作家协会书记处书记玛拉沁夫(蒙古族)为团长的中国少数民族作家代表团,于四月十一日离京赴南斯拉夫、罗马尼亚访问,并参加国际作家聚会。 A delegation of Chinese e
在中国,我愿做一株白莲: 享有金色的阳光, 享有天空的蔚蓝; 当夜风送来新月的银辉, 一首无韵的诗流淌在我的心间。我是池水中的玫瑰, 白云剪成我轻柔的衣衫; 我是碧波里的仙
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