
来源 :江苏政协 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mandy_wang
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7月25日至26日,中共江苏省九届四次全会在无锡举行。省委书记陈焕友代表常委会就下半年工作作了部署,强调下半年要切实抓好以下重点工作:进一步加强农业和农村工作,努力夺取全年农业丰收。扎实开展秋熟超产活动,继续立足抗灾夺丰收,千方百计争取实现秋粮总产超去年、棉花单产超历史、农民人均增收超计划的目标。进一步发展多种经营,努力保持乡镇工业的增长势头,促进农村经济全面发展。适应两个转变的要求,加快推进农业的产业化、集约化、现代化建设。采取坚决措施,认真解决耕地减少过快和部分地区农民负担过重的问题。以开拓市场和调整结构为重点,着力改善经济运行的质量。当务之急是要加大市场开拓的力度,要进一步强化以市场为导向的 From July 25 to July 26, the 4th Plenary Session of the Ninth CPC Jiangsu Province was held in Wuxi. On behalf of the Standing Committee, Chen Huanyou, member of the provincial party committee, made arrangements for the work in the second half of the year, emphasizing that the following key tasks should be earnestly implemented in the second half of the year: further strengthening agriculture and rural work and making efforts to seize the annual agricultural harvest. To carry out autumn and overcrowding activities in a down-to-earth manner and continue to base ourselves on the bumper harvest in the disaster-stricken areas to make every effort to achieve the goal of surpassing the planned output of cotton in the past year by exceeding the total output of cotton in the past year. Further develop diversified operations, strive to maintain the growth momentum of township industries and promote the all-round development of rural economy. Adapt to the requirements of the two changes and accelerate the industrialization, intensification and modernization of agriculture. Take resolute measures to seriously address the problem of too fast reduction of arable land and excessive peasant burden in some areas. Focusing on developing the market and adjusting the structure, efforts will be made to improve the quality of economic operation. The top priority is to step up market development and further strengthen market-oriented efforts
本文认为依据《英语中缀》中的定义 ,wonbloodyderful等词是中缀构词的结论是不成立的。文章对《再谈英语中缀》中的相关问题进行了评述 This paper argues that the conclu
本文介绍并简单评述了国外有代表性的数家预设投射解释模式 :1、语义解释模式 :累积假设和通道 -塞子 -过滤器学说 ;2、语用解释模式 :组合说和含义取消说。认为要对预设的语
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