
来源 :中国防痨通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiaobianhongyaogqw
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我们分析1973年4月至1981年2月184例门诊及住院肺结核病人不规则用药原因。184例病人有181例反复用过多种一、二线抗痨药物,归纳其治疗失败原因均为不规则用药。造成不规则用药的因素有以下三方面: 一、医疗方面因素。方案制定不合理者35例,占19.0%;不知道需长期治疗者55例,占29.8%;误诊4例,占2.1%,三者计94例,共占51.1%。二、患者方面因素。有咳嗽症状时就打链霉素的14例,占7.6%;打针怕疼的11例,占5.9%;感觉病好了就停药的9例,占4.8%;忘记吃药的8例。 We analyzed the causes of irregular medication in 184 outpatients and hospitalized patients with tuberculosis from April 1973 to February 1981. 181 cases of 184 patients repeatedly used a variety of first and second line anti-tuberculosis drugs, summarized the reasons for the failure of their treatment are irregular medication. Irregular medication caused by the following three factors: First, the medical aspects. 35 cases were unreasonable, accounting for 19.0%; 55 cases did not know long-term treatment, accounting for 29.8%; 4 cases were misdiagnosed, accounting for 2.1%; 94.1%, 94.1%; Second, the patient factors. There are cough symptoms when streptomycin in 14 cases, accounting for 7.6%; injection of fear of pain in 11 cases, accounting for 5.9%; feeling sick well on the withdrawal of 9 cases, accounting for 4.8%; forget to take medicine in 8 cases.
A cysteine desulfurase protein,IscS,was encoded by the operon iscSUA in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans.The gene of IscS from Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans ATCC
地处边远牧区的少数民族地区如何开展不住院全监间歇化学疗法,我们认为必须做到以下几点: 一、巩固三级防痨网是搞好“监化”的保证三级防痨网就是旗、公社、大队三级,我们
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我院采用石炭酸烧灼治疗肛门裂14例,与对照组11例比较,疗效满意。两组患者年龄22~42岁。病程1个月~10年。 In our hospital, 14 cases of anal fissure were treated with ca
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