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近日从重庆市旅游局了解到,国家旅游局正式敲定,由重庆市政府主办、四川等6省市旅游局协办的第四届中国重庆旅游交易会,将于9月10日至12日在渝隆重举行。据悉,此次交易会将是西部规模最大、范围最广、档次最高的旅游盛会。据该市旅游局副局长孙逸民介绍,交易会将以“新重庆、新三峡、新旅游”为主题。设旅行社、宾馆饭店、景点景区、旅游用品、酒店用品、航空公司、景点设施设备、游船公司等8个展区,预计设立300个国际标准展台,从即日起向国内外招商。还将邀请海内外经济界和旅游界的专家、学者,共同探讨旅游业发展等问题。 Recently learned from the Chongqing Municipal Tourism Bureau, the National Tourism Administration officially finalized by the Chongqing municipal government hosted the Sichuan Provincial Tourism Bureau and other four co-organized by the Fourth China Chongqing Tourism Fair will be September 10 to 12 in Chongqing held with grandeur. It is reported that the fair will be the largest in the west, the most extensive range of the highest grade tourism event. According to Sun Yimin, deputy director of the Municipal Tourism Bureau, the fair will be themed on “New Chongqing, New Three Gorges and New Travels.” It is expected to set up 300 international standard booths for travel agencies, hotels and restaurants, scenic spots, tourist supplies, hotel supplies, airlines, attractions facilities and equipment, and cruise line companies. It is expected to attract domestic and foreign merchants from now on. Experts and scholars from the economic circles and tourism circles at home and abroad will also be invited to jointly discuss such issues as the development of the tourism industry.
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美国图书馆馆长都由些什么人充任,他们所受的教育及其知识结构与经历如何呢?我们拟就美国图书馆协会1982年编辑出版的《图书馆与情报机构人名录》(Who’s who in Library an
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本文介绍了在天津市首次利用亚洲开发银行贷款实施的水利工程建设项目—引滦饮用水源保护项目招标工作中合理最低标中标方法的运用。 This paper introduces the applicatio
<正> 《鲁迅书信集》出版以后,《光明日报》一九七七年二月十九日《文学》第六十期,发表了《十五封新搜集的鲁迅书信》。第十三封《致××》信,倪墨炎同志在《关于十五封新搜集的鲁迅书信》(《光明日报》一九七七年二月二十六日)一文中指出:“第十三封信曾刊《人间世》半月刊一九三九年第二期,收信人姓名被略去。”
根据水利部按排 ,水利水电规划设计总院主持召开会议 ,对淮委设计院编制的《淮河入海水道近期工程淮安枢纽工程初步设计报告》及其补充材料进行了审查。审查认为 ,初设报告及
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