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几个月前,与画苑书坛的几位朋友在一起聊天,一位朋友提出个问题考大家:世界上谁的作品传播范围最广?作品拥有的人数最多?作品的价值最大?几位算得在书画界潜心数十年的艺人,历数自己所知道的各国绘画大师,结果都被一一否定。后来,他诡秘地告诉大家:“这个人就是西安美术学院的刘文西”。朋友们都颇觉诧异,怎么会是他呢?朋友笑着解释说:现在流通使用的第五套人民币,各面值的钞票上毛泽东像就是出自刘文西之手。大家这才恍然大悟。 A few months ago, chatting with a few friends of the Painting Circle, a friend asked us questions: Who is the most widely distributed work in the world? Has the largest number of works? Has the greatest value? Count artists who devoted themselves to the world of painting and calligraphy for decades, the masters of painting in various countries that they themselves knew, the results have been negated one by one. Later, he secretively tell you: “This man is Liu Wenxi Xi’an Academy of Art.” Friends are quite surprised, how would he be? Friends with a smile explained: now circulation of the fifth set of RMB, the face value of the money on the Mao Zedong is from the hand of Liu Wenxi. Everyone suddenly realized.
提到中国大陆的房地产专业网站,就不能绕过搜房网和莫天全。几乎是与席卷中国的 IT 热潮同步,属于海归派的莫天全在美国国际数据集团(IDG)风险投资资金的支持下,于1999年在
在安庆市地税系统内,人们传颂着一位铁骨丹心、助人为乐的雷锋式的好税干——汪俊宏同志。 汪俊宏,1968年出生,大专文化程度,1986年参加工作,2002年3月入党。自参加工作以来
(一) 长江,中国第一大河,千百年来,既泽及华夏,又危及华夏。每至汛期,荆江一带人民,头枕悬河,惶惶不安。 据历史记载,从公元前185年到公元1991年的2196年中,长江中下游共发
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