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近年来酸梅育苗嫁接都用毛杏、山杏做砧木。据多方观察:杏砧嫁接酸梅,在苗圃中有死苗现象,接芽长到50~60厘米时,植株枯萎,渐渐死亡。初步调查是病害和砧木亲合力导致死苗。另一个现象是:杏砧根系发达,穿透能力强,苗生长量大,出现了傻大个苗,木质不充实,越冬易受冻害。要达到品种优良、苗木优质,用酸梅本砧嫁接优良品种是有效途径。为此做了酸梅育苗三个方面的试验研究。一、两种处理方法对出苗率及生长量的影响采充分成熟的酸梅果取种后,将部分种子阴干,另一部分用4份湿沙和1份种子拌匀置于冷凉潮湿处,不让种仁失去自身水分。冬前10月底播种,播前把阴干的种子用清水浸泡72小时,与湿沙处理的种 In recent years, plum seedlings grafted with apricot plum, apricot rootstock. According to multi-observation: Angelica grafting sour plum, nursery in the phenomenon of dead seedlings, then buds grow to 50 to 60 cm, the plants withered, gradually died. Initial investigation is the disease and rootstock affinity led to dead seedlings. Another phenomenon is: apricot root developed, penetrating ability, seedling growth, there was a big silly seedlings, wood is not full, vulnerable to cold damage by wintering. To achieve good varieties, high quality seedlings, with sour plum rootstock grafting good varieties is an effective way. To do this plum seedling three aspects of experimental research. First, the two treatment methods on the emergence rate and growth effects After plucking ripe plum seeds, the seeds will be partially dried, and the other part with 4 wet sand and 1 part of the seed mix well placed in cold and humid place, Do not let the seeds lose their moisture. Before the end of winter before the end of October sowing, before sowing the dried seeds with water for 72 hours, and wet sand treatment species
1999年 1 0月 ,上海对全市 1 8家实施国家高技术研究发展计划 (“863”计划 )CIMS工程的示范企业进行调查。经统计表明 ,这些示范企业由于利用CAD、CIMS等技术 ,新增产值近 30亿元。这不
随着SoC设计元件的出现,如MIPS32 1004K一致处理系统(CPS),单操作系统条件下的片上对称多处理(SMP)已经成为了一种真正的设计选择,而系统架构师也需要了解其优点和局限性.
根据中煤四十九处实施项目法管理的情况 ,对高速、优质建设矿井经验进行了总结。在项目法管理实施过程中 ,根据矿井施工特点 ,确立质量、工期、成本、安全为中心的控制目标 ,