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福州车站位于福州市的东北郊,采用集中对称的布局,平面略呈“(?)”形(图1),朝西北向,建筑面积为5,600平米,东西最大长度116米,南北最大深度为30米。车站的中心部分是候车大厅,屋盖由五波20米跨的圆柱形长薄壳组成,面积约为1,200平米,净高13米,最大容量1,000人左右。厅内四周布置问讯、邮电、银行等服务用房,布局紧凑,使用方便。在站台入口左右,面对正门处布置母子候车室及军人候车室。它们都各自有独立的进站入口,便于照顾妇女儿童和军人的特殊要求。大厅东西二侧布置行李房及贵宾候车室。行李房靠近出口处,便于旅 Fuzhou station is located in the northeastern suburbs of Fuzhou. It adopts a centralized and symmetrical layout. The plane is slightly “(?)” shaped (Figure 1), facing northwest, with a building area of ​​5,600 square meters, the maximum length of 116 meters from east to west, and a maximum depth of 30 from north to south. Meter. The central part of the station is the waiting hall. The roof consists of a five-wave, 20-meter-long, cylindrical, thin shell. It has an area of ​​approximately 1,200 square meters, a net height of 13 meters and a maximum capacity of about 1,000 people. Around the hall are arranged information services such as information, post and telecommunications, banking, etc. The layout is compact and easy to use. Around the entrance of the platform, mother waiting room and military waiting room are arranged facing the main entrance. Each of them has its own independent entry point to facilitate the special requirements of women, children and soldiers. There are luggage and VIP waiting rooms on the east and west sides of the lobby. Luggage room close to the exit for easy travel
Equations can be used to help us solve certain problems as illustrated by the examples below. Example 1: If I double a certain number and subtract 7,the result
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人生如同一幕话剧,有开场白、情景、高潮、低谷和尾声,不可能平平坦坦、一帆风顺。人生需要一步一个脚印,脚踏实地,才能走出一条适合自己的道路。即便如此,当你回看这条人生之路时,却并不一定能找寻到自己的脚印。是啊,想在人生之路上留下自己清晰的脚印,不是一件容易的事情。但是,纵观我们各自的人生经历,只有走在别人没有走过的地方,甚至是在泥泞之中行走时,才会留下深深的脚印。成功,亦如此。  相传唐朝高僧鉴真刚
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分析钡系多功能泡沫渣的作用、机理,通过试验应用,证明该材料对造泡沫渣和强化脱磷有良好效果,适用于普通功率电弧炉提高生产效率。 Analysis of the role of barium-based mul
天还没亮,妈妈就起床了。她就要去外地打工了。一向贪睡的我,睡意全无。我紧紧地跟在妈妈身后,默默地看着她洗漱,收拾行李。  “妈妈要走了,在家听奶奶的话啊!”妈妈蹲下身子,把我抱得紧紧的。  我用力点了点头,一句话也说不出来。我的喉咙像被什么东西堵得难受,眼泪像决了堤的水一样往下流。  妈妈上车了,她用手不停地擦眼睛。她流泪了。妈妈也舍不得离开我啊。为什么我们一定要分开呢?难道没有更好的办法吗?  