I Married a Chinese Woman

来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wishyourhappy
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He became known all over China because of his appearance on the national television competition “Foreigners Singing Chinese Songs.”Dressed in traditional Chinese costume and accompanied by his Chinese wife,he Chinese Girl.“In this article,Stephen Sayers tells about his marriage and his personal feelings during his five years in China,Stephen and his wife Candy just moved to Macao in July.In arecent letter he asked the editor to give the money for this article to the education-aiding”Hope project“ and specified it for Guizhou. He became known all over China because of his appearance on the national television competition ”Foreigners Singing Chinese Songs. “ Dressed in traditional Chinese costume and accompanied by his Chinese wife, he Chinese Girl. ”In this article, Stephen Sayers tells about his marriage and his personal feelings during his five years in China, Stephen and his wife Candy just moved to Macao in July. In arecent letter he asked the editor to give the money for this article to the education-aiding “Hope project” and specified it for Guizhou.
特约编委 管中天 曾平江 王清泉 王国龙编 委 祁。光 方智生 李人中 曹昌楷 肖国成 黄迪汉 吴定流 梁德钦 陈国春 丁世昌 高 震 蔡敬旦 刘崇义 徐润青 杨献宇 贺明德 周文钦
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