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同志,当您接读本期杂志的时候,正是我刊刚走完创办三年的路程。办杂志,为读者。三年来我刊的主要读者一直是广大中学语文教师。随着建设物质文明和精神文明事业的发展,中学语文教师的需求真是面广量大。概括起来,主要的是:介绍知识方面,希望系统、新鲜、广泛;研究中学语文教材教法方面,希望既要反映国内外新的改革、新的 When you pick up this issue of magazines, my comrades just finished the three-year journey of my journal. Do magazines for readers. The main reader of my magazine in the past three years has been the majority of middle school language teachers. With the development of the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization, the demand of middle school language teachers is really large and large. To sum up, the main ones are as follows: In terms of introducing knowledge, the hope is that the system is fresh and extensive. In the aspect of studying the teaching methods of Chinese textbooks for secondary schools, we hope that we should not only reflect the new reforms at home and abroad, but also new
面对《THE FACE》,我们的态度是——你可以不喜欢它,甚至可以厌恶它,但它确实是在特立独行的存在着…… In the face of “THE FACE”, our attitude is - you can dislike
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a common viral pathogen that causes a substantial health burden worldwide. Remarkable progress has been made in our understanding of
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亚当·斯密作为一个伟大的经济学家,是资产阶级古典政治经济学的开创者。他在《国民财富的性质与原因的研究》(简称《国富论》)中所提出的许多结论和观点在当今的市场经济中仍然发挥着积极的作用。同时,亚当.斯密也是一个伦理学家,以《道德情操论》为代表作。也正是这两部著作,留下了一个争论不断的问题,即“亚当·斯密问题”。  一、何谓亚当·斯密问题  所谓的“亚当·斯密问题”,最早是由19世纪中叶的德国历史学派
刊中地理报 Geographical News
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