
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxw2yanzi
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随着改革开放和市场经济体制的进一步完善,为民兵工作开辟了更广阔的前景,注入了新的活力,同时也带来了许多新情况、新问题、新矛盾。新时期,民兵组织布局不合理,国有企业兵员匮乏日趋严重,出现有组织无兵员的现象;民兵组织的领导关系不顺畅,企事业单位的民兵工作多头管理或无人管理的现象不同程度地存在;民兵事业经费保障难,多年来形成的“谁建民兵谁负担、不建民兵没负担”的民兵工作格局尚未得到有效改变;民兵军事训练层次低、训练装备不配套、经训兵员质量差的问题也相当 With the reform and opening up and further improvement of the market economic system, the MOM has opened up a broader prospect and infused new vitality into the work of the militia. At the same time, it also brought in many new situations, new problems and new contradictions. In the new era, the militia’s layout was unreasonable, the shortage of state-owned enterprises was becoming increasingly serious, there was an organized and militarized phenomenon; the militia’s leadership relationship was not smooth, and the mothballed management of the militia or the unmanaged management of enterprises and public institutions varied to some extent The militia’s work pattern has not been effectively changed. The militia’s military training level is low, the training equipment is not adequate, and the quality of trained soldiers is poor. The problem is quite
今年6~7月间,淮河流域发生大于1991年一部分超过1954年的洪涝灾害 在党中央、国务院 中央军委的坚强领导和正确指挥下,沿淮军民万众一心,顽强拼搏,取得了抗洪救灾斗争的全面
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整个下午呆在房间里,把一个星期积攒下来的报纸,粗略地翻阅了一下。看到好的题材,好的文章,便剪贴下来,以备日后细读。 Staying in the room throughout the afternoon, rou