
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djmaxha
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民兵怎样适应高技术战争的要求,这是一个值得研究和探讨的问题。展开对这个问题的学术研究,对于增强人武战线干部和民兵的国防观念、带动民兵工作改革创新、做好打赢高技术条件下人民战争的准备是有益的,这也是贯彻落实十六大精神的一个实际行动。本刊从本期起开辟《学术园地》专栏,将以“民兵怎样适应高技术战争”为题,展开研讨(编辑部拟制了一些选题在本期刊登,供大家选用),欢迎广大读者,尤其是省军区、军分区、人武部的领导同志和机关干部、国防后备力量战线理论工作者踊跃赐稿。特别欢迎口子小、问题尖、开掘深、内容实、有创见的文章。 How militia can adapt to the requirements of a high-tech war is a question that deserves research and discussion. Carrying out academic research on this issue is beneficial to enhancing the concept of national defense of cadres and militias in the areas where people and armed forces are working, bringing about the reform and innovation in the militia work and doing well in winning the people’s war under high-tech conditions. This is also the key to implementing the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress A practical action. This issue from the current issue of “academic field” column, will be “how militia to adapt to high-tech war” for the title, to start the discussion (editorial department proposed a number of topics published in this issue, for your selection), welcome to readers In particular, the leading comrades and cadres of the provincial military region and the military sub-region and the People’s Armed Forces Department and the theoretical workers of the front of the national defense reserve forces enthusiastically contributed their contributions. In particular, I welcome the small mouth, sharp tip, digging deep, the contents of real, innovative articles.
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如果一切按计划进行,17岁的贾斯汀将成为太空中的第一个少年。目前贾斯汀还要筹集资金和进行训练,然而,今年年底他可能成为历史—上进入太空的年龄最小的人。 If everything
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