深入扎实学理论 与时俱进谋打赢——四川雅安预备役团学习贯彻十六大精神的做法

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四川雅安预备役团在组织官兵进行“学习贯彻十六大精神教育”中,采取先党委、后营连,先机关、后基层,先现役官兵、后预备役官兵等方法,通过请军分区蒲司令员作专题辅导报告与学习文件资料相结合、集中上大课与个人自学相结合、以支部为单位组织讨论与大会交流学习体会相结合、党委中心组成员学习与带营连主官和预任军官共同学习相结合、适时组织抽问与进行笔试测验相结合等方法,从搞好“五个引导”入手,认真传达学习贯彻党的十六大精神,继续深化全团官兵对“三个代表”重要思想的科学内涵和精神实质的理解,并以此指导工作,努力实现“五个增强”,不断开创团队建设的新局面。 Sichuan Ya’an Reserve Corps in the organization of officers and soldiers to “study and implement the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the CPC”, take the party committee, the battalion, the first agency, the grassroots, the first active officers and soldiers, after the reserve officers and soldiers and other methods, Thematic counseling reports and learning documents combined with a combination of big class and individual self-study combined with the branch as a unit to discuss the exchange and learning experience with the combination of party members of the center group to learn with the camp with the main officer and pre-service officer Take the “Five Guiding Principles” as a starting point, earnestly convey and study and implement the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the CPC, and continue to deepen the efforts of all officers and soldiers of the entire league in deepening their understanding of the important thinking of the “Three Represents” Important content of the scientific connotation and spiritual understanding, and to guide the work, strive to achieve “five enhancements”, and constantly open up a new phase of team building.
1月6日,军区在成都隆重举行2002年度先进单位和个人表彰大会。军区司令员王建民主持大会,政委杨德清作了重要讲话。 表彰会上,军区副司令员陈世俊宣读了授予77160部队二连、
今年6~7月间,淮河流域发生大于1991年一部分超过1954年的洪涝灾害 在党中央、国务院 中央军委的坚强领导和正确指挥下,沿淮军民万众一心,顽强拼搏,取得了抗洪救灾斗争的全面
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整个下午呆在房间里,把一个星期积攒下来的报纸,粗略地翻阅了一下。看到好的题材,好的文章,便剪贴下来,以备日后细读。 Staying in the room throughout the afternoon, rou