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通过九天的旅游观光看遍了江南一带移步换景的精致园林,巧夺天工的建筑与雕刻艺术,湖畔人家的恬静悠然,以及青砖黛瓦和幽径小巷所烘托的桃源之趣。撇去这些人文与自然艺术不说,更多的将眼睛放在随着景点的商业开发和人流的趋向成型的文明符号上,当它们面临现代社会工业文明剑拔弩张的冲击时,是被赋予了适应环境的新生,还是在交易与叫卖的此起彼伏中被掩埋了精神。 Through nine days of tourism and sightseeing all over the fine arts and crafts of the south side of the area for the step-by-step landscape, architecture and carving art, the lakeside leisurely leisurely people, as well as the green brick Daiwa and quiet alleys set by the Taoyuan fun. Skimming off these humanities and natural arts does not mean that they place their eyes more on the civilized symbols that are shaped by the commercial development and flow of attractions. When they face the rattling of the industrial civilization in modern society, they are given an adaptation The newborn environment, or in the trading and selling one after another was buried in the spirit.
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Experiments were performed on 16 rabbits immobilized with flaxedil. The recording of spontaneousdischarges and the discharges of single MGB neurons caused by c
Pyrrhotite is one of the common ore minerals in Cu-Ni sulphide deposits, but only monoclinic pyrrhotite is ferromagnetic at room temperature. X-ray and EPA anal
The synthesis and crystal structure of the cubane-like cluste with [Mo3CuS4] core is reported herein. The title compound crystallizes i triclinic space group P
本文采用x射线衍射法,对PMMN四元系压电陶瓷原料在五个不同温度中预烧后进行相分析,鉴定固相反应中生成新化合物,从而提供选择理想预烧温度的一种依据。 In this paper, X-r