XPS study of the corrosion resisting composite alloying layer obtained by double glow plasma with th

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shnoonkids
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: The Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu multi-element surface alloying with the electric brush plating Ni interlayer on the low carbon steel substrate has been investigated. By the electrochemical method in 3.5% (mass fraction) NaCl solution, the corrosion resistance of the composite alloying layer and single alloying layer is determined. The experimental results show that the corrosion resistance of the composite alloying layer is obviously better than that of the single alloying layer. The structure and composition of passive films formed on the two kinds of alloyed layers after electrochemical tests in 3.5% NaCl solution have been studied using X-ray photoe-lectron spectroscopy (XPS). It is concluded that the double glow plasma surface alloying of low carbon steel with the electric brush plating Ni interlayer is an appropriate technique to enhance the corrosion resistance compared with the single double glow surface alloying. The Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu multi-element surface alloying with the electric brush plating Ni interlayer on the low carbon steel substrate has been investigated. By the electrochemical method in 3.5% (mass fraction) NaCl solution, the corrosion resistance of the The experimental results show that the corrosion resistance of the composite alloying layer is obviously better than that of the single alloying layer. The structure and composition of passive films formed on the two kinds of alloyed layers after electrochemical tests in 3.5% NaCl solution have been studied using X-ray photoe-lectron spectroscopy (XPS). It is concluded that the double glow plasma surface alloying of low carbon steel with the electric brush plating Ni interlayer is an appropriate technique to enhance the corrosion resistance compared with the single double glow surface alloying.
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周迅,有一种温暖不问理由  在我的观念里,似乎没有纯粹的友情,也没有纯粹的爱情,它们最终都会演变为亲情。只有亲情,才是最坚固、最踏实的情感,也只有亲人,才不问理由。   有一天也不知道怎么了,我极其沮丧,不知道压力来自哪里。那天喝多了,心情特别郁闷,我打电话给周迅,醉醺醺地对她大喊:“你要出来!我现在很难过!你现在给我出来!”  她就来了。   看见她的时候,我特别难过,趴在桌子上说:“你知道吗,